Friday, October 19, 2007

WWII Washington Memorial

Letter sent to Representative Gabrielle Giffords

What I am writing is probably not new to you. Veterans of this war are dying off by over 1,000 each day. Not only the veterans but also those other citizens such as myself who lived through those trying times. In a few short years we will all be gone. Younger Americans visiting this memorial will think it is a fine tribute to the Americans who did what had to be done and will never get the full significance of President Roosevelt's Declaration of War speech he gave to Congress after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The words he spoke inspired the nation. Whoever edited his speech to its essentials in order to carve it into the monument left out the most important part of that speech.
If you search the web go to WWII Washington Memorial then click on fact sheet and then inscriptions. The Pearl Harbor Speech is condensed as follows;
That is all that is inscribed. There was a lot of detail in the speech that did not need to be inscribed but his final words were the words that inspired the nation. They were;
You can find this by searching FDR Library then click on Selected public papers and speeches.
I have written previously to Senators Kyl and McCain. Neither have felt it important enough to do anything about it, so I am now asking you. Those words must be made a part of the memorial or it will be meaningless in years to come.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
October 18, 2007

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is Religion Dangerous

Is Religion Dangerous?
By Keith Ward

I found this book at the public library. I brought it home and read it, looking as I continuously seem to be these days, trying to make sense out of the crazy world we live in. It was interesting in that he wrote it as a devout Christian. Much of the book is devoted to his attempt to prove there is a God and there has been since the creation of the Universe. His arguments are well articulated.
As to the title of the book, his conclusion is that religion is not dangerous and that whatever evil has been committed in the name of religion was done by radicals who have used it to further their purpose.
Following the 9/11 disaster I got and read three books about Islam trying to understand how and why we were attacked. They all confirmed as does this author that it is a peaceful religion. He states that “The God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a being of justice, mercy and loving-kindness, who commands humans to be just, merciful and kind, and who promises those who are just, a life beyond death in unison with absolute goodness”.
He mentions Sayyid Qutb of the Muslim Brotherhood who wrote in his
1965 book, Milestones on the Road. He stated, “One should accept the Shari’a without question and reject all other laws in any shape or form. This is Islam. Every society is either Muslim or jahiliyyah. Muslim societies are those that live in complete obedience to Shari’s.” He states that all of the societies existing in the world today are jahila and that they are all illegal. He concludes that all political systems that legislate laws- including, apparently all existing so-called Muslim societies are illegal. By contrast, in a truly Muslim society only God legislates laws. There can be no compromise or even co-existence. There is no Islam in a land where Islam is not dominant and where it’s Shari’s is not established. He continues that they must take the initiative in abolishing jahiliyyah. It is not just a defensive war; it is the use of force to establish properly Muslim societies everywhere in the world, so that ultimately there will remain only Muslims, enemies of Islam to be fought, and Dhimmies, those who pay tribute-money to their dominant Islamic society.
It is thus not religion that causes Islamic terrorism. It is a version of Islam
that has been corrupted by the most successful anti-religious movement in
the twentieth century. They are not motivated by the love of God. It is hatred
of almost everyone in the world, belief in very simple political solutions to
intractable social problems, belief that resorting to extreme violence is a
reliable means to future freedom and peace, and an intense certainty that one’s own beliefs are uniquely correct and morally pure,
whereas everyone else’s are irrational and corrupt.
I believe his conclusions are valid. We are not in a religious war but
nonetheless we are in a world wide war with radicals who want to conquer
all nations and convert them to their belief system. Knowing this, the
countries of the world need to unite and fight this evil wherever it surfaces
without mercy. They cannot be reasoned with so they must be eliminated
wherever they are found. Therefore the battle is not against Muslims, it is
against those who have perverted Islam to suit their goals.

Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
August 7, 2007

Phantom Warrior

Phantom Warrior
The Heroic True Story of Pvt. John Mc Kinney’s One-Man Stand against the Japanese in World War II
By: Forrest Bryant Johnson

My favorite books are biographies about people who make a difference with their lives. I lucked onto this book at the Public Library. Everyone has heard about Sergeant York and his exploits in World War I. Gary Cooper played the role in a movie about him. The similarity between these two men is striking. They were both simple, hard working, quiet types who were poor farmers eking out a living in the South. Their pastimes were hunting and fishing. Actually pastime is a misnomer as the food from animals and fish caught provided needed food for their families. The skills developed hunting made them both dead shots.
Pvt. McKinney won the Congressional Medal of Honor for his exploits during a battle at a place called Dingaling Bay on the East coast of Luzon May 11, 1945. He and about 70 other soldiers were attacked before sunrise from two sides. About 148 attacked the main group from the North and an equal number from a sand bar to the South. The account pieced together from eye witnesses and a count of dead after the battle confirmed that those attacking from the South were all killed by this one soldier with the exception of 6 shot by a soldier that came to his aid as the battle was winding down. The total battle lasted about 36 minutes. You have to read it to comprehend how it was possible. It took a long time to get the approval for the Medal of Honor because it was so unbelievable. In the citation it mentions 40 as the number of Japanese dead.
The book is 304 pages long. It details his early life and events leading up to this battle. The war began for him in New Guinea and ended with this battle. He was removed from the fighting so that he would survive the war and be a symbol for Americans of the heroic exploits of our fighting men.
He returned home and returned to the life he had lived before joining the Army. He is described as a man of sorrow. From time to time he would say to a relative or close friend, “Why did they have to die.” Find it and read it. You will inspired by this unbelievable story.

Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 28, 2007

Failed States

Failed States
By Noam Chomsky

The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy

Of all of the heavy intellectual books I have read recently, this one stands alone in its complexity and overall content. As a life long patriot I found much in this book disagreeable and not at all in tune with the beliefs I have nurtured over my lifetime. I cannot say I recommend you to read it but perhaps it should be read by those who hope as I do for a better world for all mankind and nature.
Actually what he writes is not much different from other authors but he does it in a harsher manner that made me cringe. It is hard to be told of the actions taken by our government over the decades since WWII including fostering violent overthrows of democratically elected governments such as Iran, Chili, Nicaragua, Guatemala and our ever increasing dependency on military force to get other nations to comply with our dictates. The current administration only differs from previous ones in the audacity with which it projects its power. Previous administrations were more subtle but nonetheless effective in achieving their purposes.
He takes us around the world but in the last chapter concentrates on what is happening in our own country. He points out, as most of us who pay attention already know, that the electorate is manipulated into voting based on sound bites which are intended to persuade voters to reject candidates’ based on emotion and not on fact. The other proven technique is to scare the voter with threats from evil groups around the world. The two party systems that used to be are no longer discernable. The main reason of course is the amount of money needed to win office. He states that there are now 34,750 registered lobbyists living and working in Washington. Can you imagine what a day in the life of a politician is like with an army this size descending on them and their staffs as they try to get legislation to aid their respective causes none of which are for our benefit?
He discusses poll after poll which confirms the issues most important to the majority of thinking voters. They want to vote for someone who supports these ideas, but in the end confused and persuaded, they vote hoping for change but it never happens and in my opinion will never happen until or unless we as citizens force it by whatever means is possible to us.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
October 15, 2007

Driver's Licenses

N.Y. Governor Eliot Spitzer has ordered public officials to grant drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Many have refused stating their responsibility to only issue to citizens with social security cards and addresses. Some State Legislatures are promising a law suit effective Nov. 1, 2007 if he does not rescind his order.
A driver’s license allows you to board an airplane or enter a public building. It may not be much but it has some meaning and is universally used to keep others from entering. It is estimated that there are over 500,000 illegal immigrants in N.Y. California will no doubt be the next State to duplicate N.Y.
Where is the Federal Government on this issue? I haven’t heard from the Administration, Homeland Security or any member of Congress. Are they all so wrapped up in their concern to not offend that they do not have the intestinal fortitude to take a stand and uphold their #1 priority which is to defend the citizens of this country.

Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
October 16, 2007