As a self described “Last Angry Man” you would expect that I would rally around this new group of disgruntled citizens. I haven’t for a number of reasons. The first is my total disregard of their number one leader, former Governor Sarah Palin. She moves rapidly around the country. Just a week ago she spoke to about 4,000 people at the Tucson Fairgrounds. Her rallying cry was “Do you like your freedom”. This was followed by the comment that the new Republican Party wasn’t the party of no; it was the party of hell no. Both comments were cheered by the attendees. I totally disagree with every statement she makes. People like her stir up hatred and indirectly incite their listeners to violence as has been noted across the country in the days following passage of the health care bill.
The wrath of this movement is centered on the Democrats and is striving for the defeat of any who voted for the bill. I feel the same way, but what they conveniently choose to forget is that the Republican Party was in power for eight years, during which time nothing of positive value was done for Americans. They can talk about their health care ideas being rejected. Where were those ideas during their eight years in power? They gave us two wars, a senior drug program that was a costly give away to the drug companies and the “No Child Left Behind” program which adds billions to the cost of education without adding to the learning experience. I have proposed many times that canceling this program would allow precious, scarce funds to be spent on education not testing.
There is little chance that a tea partier will ever read any of my writings but if they did this is what I would challenge them to do, vote against any candidate regardless of party who accepts campaign funds from corporations or unions. This may be impossible to do. If that is so then look for any candidate that accepts the fewest dollars. We must wean them off of the bribery gifts they receive today or we will never regain our freedom. Search for populist type candidates who care about the things most Americans care about and not about what the corporations demand.
Just this week there was another article about a major energy company shutting down production of solar panels our country and moving to China. This would not stand if we had a president who understood that this was wrong. I say that because I have not heard of any comments from the White House that they understand or care. Believe me our former president also did not care. Millions of factory jobs were sent to China on his watch so don’t tell me that an overwhelming victory by the Republican Party will be any better.
I strive for the day a third party arises that consists of candidates that do not accept corporate gifts, a party big enough to include all Americans under their umbrella. Then we could begin taking back our country. Until then I urge the tea partiers to not allow them to take your vote for granted that you will be in lock step for any candidate with a Republican label. Feel sorry for those of us who voted in the present administration. All of our hopes and dreams have already gone up in smoke. That in the end is what is most disturbing to us all and that is that rhetoric spoken that we want to hear is not what happens once elected. We must be more vigilant and question all candidates and check their record leading up to their candidacy. This takes time and effort which most would rather not have to do. We don’t have any other choice. It is now or never.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 30, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
1982 UN Committee on the Law of the Sea
I have been reading articles and watching news programs recently which relate to the depletion of sea life in the oceans of our world. According to an article I gleaned from Google, the United Nations has been debating this subject and attempting to resolve at least beginning in 1982. All manner of fish and coral life are disappearing. The coral because of fish nets scrapping the ocean floor. With the technology at their disposal today fishing vessels are extremely efficient and there are increasing numbers putting to sea every year. Many nations led by America have attempted to put some order into the process to little avail. Salmon runs are depleted by the mass fishing of cod which nurtures them during their annual migration. Further with the technology they can be found at sea and harvested long before returning to the streams that spawned them. Tuna is reaching the point of no return and the nations wanting them the most refuse to make even small reductions. These same nations harvest fins from sharks and throw the carcasses back into the ocean. Again these nations continue to hunt and kill whales for “scientific” purposes while most of the civilized nations accept the need to let them rebuild their numbers. The primary nations involved are Japan, Norway and Iceland.
Recent efforts by the United Nations were thwarted by China, Japan and Russia. What this proves to me again is how useless the United Nations is in resolving issues of critical importance to the world. A few nations can prevent programs from being implemented to curb what some nations consider to be their right, and so populations will continue to be depleted while the U.N continues their useless unproductive debating sessions.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 29, 2010
Recent efforts by the United Nations were thwarted by China, Japan and Russia. What this proves to me again is how useless the United Nations is in resolving issues of critical importance to the world. A few nations can prevent programs from being implemented to curb what some nations consider to be their right, and so populations will continue to be depleted while the U.N continues their useless unproductive debating sessions.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 29, 2010
Health Care Bill Passed
I have waited several weeks before attempting to put words to paper. If you are still with me so far you will have read the articles I wrote attempting to suggest what I thought should be in the bill. I pretty much struck out.
There are high sounding words abounding with praise from the one side and derision from the other side. As for me, I hope that the Supreme Court, upon examination will find that the Federal Government has overstepped its Constitutional authority by demanding that everyone must buy health insurance. This is by far the worst aspect of the legislation. Like everyone else who mentions this I have to state up front that I am not a lawyer but common sense tells me that the founders of our country never had it in their minds that the government should have this much authority over the lives of the people. The power of the Federal Government was intended to be limited in scope and all else the responsibility of State Governments. It has been reported that 18,000 IRS agents will be hired to monitor compliance of citizens and those found guilty were to be fined a hefty sum to get their attention. If we were hiring agents to collect taxes owed by those who deliberately cheat the system, then I would say hooray, but not this.
The unseemly deals cut to purchase votes were smarmy at best and irresponsible at worst. Those involved should suffer defeat at the next opportunity for people to vote. The health insurance industry won out as I had predicted. These millions of forced new customers, most of whom are young and in good health will be a profit boon to the industry. Many of these people are college graduates struggling to find employment in their chosen fields and saddled with debt accumulated to graduate. They will have little to show for their years of dedicated learning and will be forced to put off purchases and improvements in their lives with these costs to contend with.
Depending on the ever changing definition of poverty, those individuals or families will automatically receive free health care thru Medicaid. My question knowing the devastation that can be wrought by illness, why would these people ever strive to rise above the poverty level? The few dollars of additional income would not be worth it if they lost free care. This is just something to think about.
The heavy burden to pay for all this will fall on those who thru skill and effort have reached the upper levels of the middle class. While I am always willing to make sure the very rich pay their fair share, I consider this a disincentive for striving to excel. What do you think?
Another topic not related to health care is the legislation that has already passed the House and is waiting for Senate approval. This is the Cap and Trade Energy bill. Within a year after passage you will not be able to sell your home unless it has been inspected to assure it complies with the ever changing energy and water efficiency standards. I have seen estimates that an average cost could be $6,000. I bet you didn’t know about this. You just assumed as I did that the intention was to provide incentive for industry to improve. Once again the Federal Government is taking control over the lives of every day citizens. If this also passes in my opinion the light of freedom in America is fading rapidly.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 29, 2010
There are high sounding words abounding with praise from the one side and derision from the other side. As for me, I hope that the Supreme Court, upon examination will find that the Federal Government has overstepped its Constitutional authority by demanding that everyone must buy health insurance. This is by far the worst aspect of the legislation. Like everyone else who mentions this I have to state up front that I am not a lawyer but common sense tells me that the founders of our country never had it in their minds that the government should have this much authority over the lives of the people. The power of the Federal Government was intended to be limited in scope and all else the responsibility of State Governments. It has been reported that 18,000 IRS agents will be hired to monitor compliance of citizens and those found guilty were to be fined a hefty sum to get their attention. If we were hiring agents to collect taxes owed by those who deliberately cheat the system, then I would say hooray, but not this.
The unseemly deals cut to purchase votes were smarmy at best and irresponsible at worst. Those involved should suffer defeat at the next opportunity for people to vote. The health insurance industry won out as I had predicted. These millions of forced new customers, most of whom are young and in good health will be a profit boon to the industry. Many of these people are college graduates struggling to find employment in their chosen fields and saddled with debt accumulated to graduate. They will have little to show for their years of dedicated learning and will be forced to put off purchases and improvements in their lives with these costs to contend with.
Depending on the ever changing definition of poverty, those individuals or families will automatically receive free health care thru Medicaid. My question knowing the devastation that can be wrought by illness, why would these people ever strive to rise above the poverty level? The few dollars of additional income would not be worth it if they lost free care. This is just something to think about.
The heavy burden to pay for all this will fall on those who thru skill and effort have reached the upper levels of the middle class. While I am always willing to make sure the very rich pay their fair share, I consider this a disincentive for striving to excel. What do you think?
Another topic not related to health care is the legislation that has already passed the House and is waiting for Senate approval. This is the Cap and Trade Energy bill. Within a year after passage you will not be able to sell your home unless it has been inspected to assure it complies with the ever changing energy and water efficiency standards. I have seen estimates that an average cost could be $6,000. I bet you didn’t know about this. You just assumed as I did that the intention was to provide incentive for industry to improve. Once again the Federal Government is taking control over the lives of every day citizens. If this also passes in my opinion the light of freedom in America is fading rapidly.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Another letter in defense of Toyota
This is my third letter on the subject of law suits against the Toyota Company. It seems the ghouls I referred to before have just gotten started. It was reported on March 22, 2010 that new law suits are being filed against the company. These are to recover losses in stock value due to the recent recalls of vehicles. I wonder what effect these will have on further driving down the value of the company’s stock value.
Just for kicks I googled the stock history of General Motors. In the late 90’s a share of stock was worth in the $80’s per share. The latest selling price is $0.75 per share. How about that for losing value. This is even after being bailed out by our government to the tune of billions. I don’t suppose closing down the Hummer Division or Saturn or Pontiac had any adverse effect. In fact if you are interested check out the various actions of the company since the 1900’s and you will see a continuing process of selling off assets.
In my opinion the mismanagement of this company was outrageous. They refused to enter the new world of fuel efficient vehicles while Toyota led the field. I tried to find out if there were class action law suits in process against the loss in value of General Motors stock. I couldn’t find it. Perhaps you will.
To put an end to this letter I would like to come to the defense of all industry. The quality level when compared to a few decades ago is fantastic. The dependability has vastly improved.
Law suits against products produced today our creating havoc with the profitability of many manufacturing companies. The profit margin per unit sold is not large enough to pay out billions. There must be a way to control them or manufacturing will go the way of the Dodo bird.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 23, 2010
Just for kicks I googled the stock history of General Motors. In the late 90’s a share of stock was worth in the $80’s per share. The latest selling price is $0.75 per share. How about that for losing value. This is even after being bailed out by our government to the tune of billions. I don’t suppose closing down the Hummer Division or Saturn or Pontiac had any adverse effect. In fact if you are interested check out the various actions of the company since the 1900’s and you will see a continuing process of selling off assets.
In my opinion the mismanagement of this company was outrageous. They refused to enter the new world of fuel efficient vehicles while Toyota led the field. I tried to find out if there were class action law suits in process against the loss in value of General Motors stock. I couldn’t find it. Perhaps you will.
To put an end to this letter I would like to come to the defense of all industry. The quality level when compared to a few decades ago is fantastic. The dependability has vastly improved.
Law suits against products produced today our creating havoc with the profitability of many manufacturing companies. The profit margin per unit sold is not large enough to pay out billions. There must be a way to control them or manufacturing will go the way of the Dodo bird.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 23, 2010
Welfare and Unemployment Benefits
I have been pondering this subject ever since the Arizona Daily Star placed a two column editorial on March 5, 2010 criticizing Senator Jon Kyl for remarks he made during the debate in the Senate over continuing unemployment benefits for the entire year of 2010. He was quoted as saying “it was a disincentive for people to seek work”.
As a reminder to my readers it had been previously been approved for the entire year of 2009. What this means to me is that persons previously in the work force could have a full two years of receiving a weekly check in Arizona of $265/ week. Their only requirement is to keep applying for employment similar to the job they had been doing before being laid off.
I very seldom find myself in agreement with our good Senator but in this case I am, at least partially. The reason for partially is that in the end he did vote to extend, I assume under extreme pressure such as he received from the news media.
I will now show how insensitive I am. I would have voted against it or at the very least modified the process.
I am now going to share comments made by Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes Sunday March 21, 2010. He was also upset. He talked about the need for work crews on construction projects or roads. The only job these out of work people deem suitable for their talents is to be the supervisor. They would never consider manual labor. It is beneath them, what with their educational levels and previous jobs. He added that we need plumbers, electricians and brick layers to rebuild our infrastructure that is crumbling all around us. I thought to myself well done. Millions of listeners heard him; some might even be elected officials.
Let me digress now and discuss welfare. Prior to August 22, 1996 many people had spent their entire lives living on their welfare checks. President Clinton signed the “Welfare Reform Act” on that date. He was working with a Republican Congress who insisted changes be made and they were. From that time forth there were stipulations that set limits on entitlements; required most to engage in job activities which included work experience, community service, job training or vocational education. In addition they must find work within two years or perform community service. It mandated a minimum of 30 hours per week and imposed a lifetime limit. Checking the Internet, even with these changes it is mind boggling the various and sundry rules that I am sure can be bent. Regardless, at least an attempt was made and it has been reasonably successful in getting people back to work.
Now let’s return to the subject of Unemployment Benefits. There has to be a way to get these people who are capable back into the work force. The minimum wage in Arizona at the present time is $7.25/hr. That times 40 hours equals $290/week. That would be $25 more than the unemployment check. Of course leaving home and traveling to the job site would be a cost that would deduct from wages earned. I would go so far as to allow deductions that would assure the minimum of $265 is maintained. Most unemployed would be expected to find work paying more than the minimum. My point is that not working for two years is just plain wrong. It is no wonder our nation is on the brink of insolvency. This give away to people in their wage earning years cannot be allowed to continue. It is at this point where I like to remind that FDR’s programs got men out of the house. He did not want them to get used to idleness so that when real jobs were available they would step right in. Why can’t our elected officials understand this fundamental truth? I would also ask the editor of the Star to reconsider and put forth a proposal of his or her own.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 23, 2010
As a reminder to my readers it had been previously been approved for the entire year of 2009. What this means to me is that persons previously in the work force could have a full two years of receiving a weekly check in Arizona of $265/ week. Their only requirement is to keep applying for employment similar to the job they had been doing before being laid off.
I very seldom find myself in agreement with our good Senator but in this case I am, at least partially. The reason for partially is that in the end he did vote to extend, I assume under extreme pressure such as he received from the news media.
I will now show how insensitive I am. I would have voted against it or at the very least modified the process.
I am now going to share comments made by Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes Sunday March 21, 2010. He was also upset. He talked about the need for work crews on construction projects or roads. The only job these out of work people deem suitable for their talents is to be the supervisor. They would never consider manual labor. It is beneath them, what with their educational levels and previous jobs. He added that we need plumbers, electricians and brick layers to rebuild our infrastructure that is crumbling all around us. I thought to myself well done. Millions of listeners heard him; some might even be elected officials.
Let me digress now and discuss welfare. Prior to August 22, 1996 many people had spent their entire lives living on their welfare checks. President Clinton signed the “Welfare Reform Act” on that date. He was working with a Republican Congress who insisted changes be made and they were. From that time forth there were stipulations that set limits on entitlements; required most to engage in job activities which included work experience, community service, job training or vocational education. In addition they must find work within two years or perform community service. It mandated a minimum of 30 hours per week and imposed a lifetime limit. Checking the Internet, even with these changes it is mind boggling the various and sundry rules that I am sure can be bent. Regardless, at least an attempt was made and it has been reasonably successful in getting people back to work.
Now let’s return to the subject of Unemployment Benefits. There has to be a way to get these people who are capable back into the work force. The minimum wage in Arizona at the present time is $7.25/hr. That times 40 hours equals $290/week. That would be $25 more than the unemployment check. Of course leaving home and traveling to the job site would be a cost that would deduct from wages earned. I would go so far as to allow deductions that would assure the minimum of $265 is maintained. Most unemployed would be expected to find work paying more than the minimum. My point is that not working for two years is just plain wrong. It is no wonder our nation is on the brink of insolvency. This give away to people in their wage earning years cannot be allowed to continue. It is at this point where I like to remind that FDR’s programs got men out of the house. He did not want them to get used to idleness so that when real jobs were available they would step right in. Why can’t our elected officials understand this fundamental truth? I would also ask the editor of the Star to reconsider and put forth a proposal of his or her own.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 23, 2010
A positive response to Mr. Pitt's column
(Mr. Pitt had reacted to comments made by Glenn Beck that you should flee your church if the Pastor preaches about helping the poor.)
Dear Mr. Pitts,
I couldn't agree with you more than the content of this column. I have been an ardent admirer of Rev. Wallis ever since I read his book and recognized him as a great religious leader. His main theme has been caring for the poorest among us.
I think I know where Glenn Beck is coming from. He hates entitlement programs almost as much as I do. Give aways to people capable of working and contributing to the economy are wrong except when given to cover a gap in time between jobs.
If your intent was that we should do all in our power to help people become independent then I am with you. If you just want to continue to give money to those who should and could be working, then I disagree.
The Pastor of my church cares for those in need, so I attend the right kind of church as I assume you do.
Yours truly,
Jack B. Walters
March 21, 2010
Dear Mr. Pitts,
I couldn't agree with you more than the content of this column. I have been an ardent admirer of Rev. Wallis ever since I read his book and recognized him as a great religious leader. His main theme has been caring for the poorest among us.
I think I know where Glenn Beck is coming from. He hates entitlement programs almost as much as I do. Give aways to people capable of working and contributing to the economy are wrong except when given to cover a gap in time between jobs.
If your intent was that we should do all in our power to help people become independent then I am with you. If you just want to continue to give money to those who should and could be working, then I disagree.
The Pastor of my church cares for those in need, so I attend the right kind of church as I assume you do.
Yours truly,
Jack B. Walters
March 21, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Response to a Leonard J. Pitts Jr. article
Response to your article dated 3/14/2010 entitled
“A reminder that evil comes in all genders and colors”
Writing to you after reading one of your articles is becoming a habit for me. I only do so when it contains racial content. This one was a real stretch.
You are elated that a potential terrorist was not only white but also a diminutive American female. Most of your article was devoted to hammering other columnists that over the years since 9/11/2001, have called for the common sense profiling of Arabic men who fit the profile of those who died while carrying out their dastardly deed. I could give you a hundred or more examples of other terrorist atrocities over the past decade. I am sure you are well aware, so I won’t clutter this note by listing them. As for Colleen LaRose, there was ample evidence for our security forces to stop her from committing the violence she was planning.
Norman Mineta was the Secretary of Transportation under President George Bush at the time of 9/11. He was interviewed on 60 Minutes and stated firmly that profiling would not be allowed. This was quite understandable from his standpoint since his parents of Japanese descent had been incarcerated at the beginning of WWII, unjustly as it turned out. The outrage of Americans to the acts committed on “A date that will live in infamy”, was the justification.
What is happening worldwide today is something altogether different. The radical Muslim leadership is committed to converting the entire planet to their beliefs. Only if you bury your head in sand can you ignore this fact. At the time I tried to make sense out of profiling by stating that if the Irish Republican Army was intending to attack us, then we should take special steps to look for white, blue eyed Irishmen. The fact is they aren’t but Arabic Muslim men and women are. They will strike us again if they can. Taking precautions of checking country of origin or profiling makes sense to me. No matter how you look at it, LaRose was an aberration.
I do agree with your final comment that evil comes in all guises. No argument here.
Yours Truly,
Jack B. Walters
March 14,2010
“A reminder that evil comes in all genders and colors”
Writing to you after reading one of your articles is becoming a habit for me. I only do so when it contains racial content. This one was a real stretch.
You are elated that a potential terrorist was not only white but also a diminutive American female. Most of your article was devoted to hammering other columnists that over the years since 9/11/2001, have called for the common sense profiling of Arabic men who fit the profile of those who died while carrying out their dastardly deed. I could give you a hundred or more examples of other terrorist atrocities over the past decade. I am sure you are well aware, so I won’t clutter this note by listing them. As for Colleen LaRose, there was ample evidence for our security forces to stop her from committing the violence she was planning.
Norman Mineta was the Secretary of Transportation under President George Bush at the time of 9/11. He was interviewed on 60 Minutes and stated firmly that profiling would not be allowed. This was quite understandable from his standpoint since his parents of Japanese descent had been incarcerated at the beginning of WWII, unjustly as it turned out. The outrage of Americans to the acts committed on “A date that will live in infamy”, was the justification.
What is happening worldwide today is something altogether different. The radical Muslim leadership is committed to converting the entire planet to their beliefs. Only if you bury your head in sand can you ignore this fact. At the time I tried to make sense out of profiling by stating that if the Irish Republican Army was intending to attack us, then we should take special steps to look for white, blue eyed Irishmen. The fact is they aren’t but Arabic Muslim men and women are. They will strike us again if they can. Taking precautions of checking country of origin or profiling makes sense to me. No matter how you look at it, LaRose was an aberration.
I do agree with your final comment that evil comes in all guises. No argument here.
Yours Truly,
Jack B. Walters
March 14,2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Two articles in today's Star caught my attention
1 - Four Democratic Senators are pushing legislation to assure that Stimulus funds for alternate energy are spent in America not China. It seems that solar panels and turbines are being produced in China
2 - The second reminded us that in 2014 we will no longer be allowed to purchase incandescent light bulbs. In case you are not aware, all of the fluorescent bulbs being manufactured today are made in China. In addition General Electric just recently stopped producing incandescent bulbs in America. I can only assume they have moved their production to China as well.
I have two questions to ask. Where are our great and wonderful “conservative” Senators? Why aren’t they joining forces with the Democrats mentioned in the first item? The second is what right does the Federal Government possess that they can dictate the bulbs every day citizens want to purchase?
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 4, 2010
2 - The second reminded us that in 2014 we will no longer be allowed to purchase incandescent light bulbs. In case you are not aware, all of the fluorescent bulbs being manufactured today are made in China. In addition General Electric just recently stopped producing incandescent bulbs in America. I can only assume they have moved their production to China as well.
I have two questions to ask. Where are our great and wonderful “conservative” Senators? Why aren’t they joining forces with the Democrats mentioned in the first item? The second is what right does the Federal Government possess that they can dictate the bulbs every day citizens want to purchase?
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 4, 2010
American Ghouls
We Americans are a special breed. We are like vultures that descend on dying animals and devour their carcass, not satisfied until the bones are picked clean. I am ashamed to be associated with them. I have always prided myself in being an American but I will not associate myself with what many have become. The following paragraph will explain my wrath.
In today’s Arizona Daily Star there was an article from the Associated Press detailing lawsuits in process against the Toyota Corporation. I can accept that persons injured or deaths as a result of sticking accelerator pedals could be justified in filing claims but what appalled me was that to date over 89 class action law suits have been filed to recover loss of value of Toyota vehicles as a result of the mechanical problem being resolved. Kelley Blue Book has lowered the resale value of Toyotas by an average of 3.5%. These law suits could potentially cost the company in the Billions.
I proudly own a Toyota vehicle. Any law firm that contacts me will be rudely dealt with, as I would never be a part of anything as heinous as this. I can only hope there are likeminded others out there that would agree with me.
The law profession being what it is will always try to take advantage of situations as they arise. In addition juries seem to take great delight in granting huge awards. I am not proud of US Senators berating Toyota executives or Federal Judges working overtime to create class action law suits on behalf of all owners. I wonder how it is possible for manufacturing companies to exist in the America we have become.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 11, 2010
In today’s Arizona Daily Star there was an article from the Associated Press detailing lawsuits in process against the Toyota Corporation. I can accept that persons injured or deaths as a result of sticking accelerator pedals could be justified in filing claims but what appalled me was that to date over 89 class action law suits have been filed to recover loss of value of Toyota vehicles as a result of the mechanical problem being resolved. Kelley Blue Book has lowered the resale value of Toyotas by an average of 3.5%. These law suits could potentially cost the company in the Billions.
I proudly own a Toyota vehicle. Any law firm that contacts me will be rudely dealt with, as I would never be a part of anything as heinous as this. I can only hope there are likeminded others out there that would agree with me.
The law profession being what it is will always try to take advantage of situations as they arise. In addition juries seem to take great delight in granting huge awards. I am not proud of US Senators berating Toyota executives or Federal Judges working overtime to create class action law suits on behalf of all owners. I wonder how it is possible for manufacturing companies to exist in the America we have become.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Toyota Letter
I sent this to the Arizona Daily Star in response to another letter, I disagreed with.
There was a letter to the editor this morning that I must reply to. It was from Guy Josserand III. The subject was the recent episode with the Toyota Co. He went too far when he lumped Toyota, Ford and Firestone with Enron. Enron was an out and out scam perpetrated by Ken Lay, a close personal friend of the Second President Bush.
I was a plant manager with Firestone making passenger tires during the 500 problem. This was not greed; it was the direct result of trying to convert too quickly from bias to radial. My company took it on the chin. What is never said is that the entire US tire manufacturers were having the same problems to varying degrees. The Ford Explorer was tip over prone due to its height. The design was soon changed and no further problems were reported.
As to Toyota, in my opinion they have been crucified by the Media and by Congress. I own one and am completely satisfied with its performance. Toyota led the way into the new world of Hybrid vehicles while G.M. in particular dragged its feet. Toyota Executives earn a third as compared to the Big Three and are scheduled for a 30 % reduction in line with their current fiscal problems. The Democratic Congress enjoys beating up on Toyota executives; I believe to try to prove that they are as irresponsible as the Big Three and to placate the UAW union. Remember Toyota was not bailed out with Billions of tax payer dollars nor will they be. They are aggressively reacting to repair the re-called models. My next purchase will be Toyota and I would venture to guess that other owners feel the same as I do.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 1, 2010
There was a letter to the editor this morning that I must reply to. It was from Guy Josserand III. The subject was the recent episode with the Toyota Co. He went too far when he lumped Toyota, Ford and Firestone with Enron. Enron was an out and out scam perpetrated by Ken Lay, a close personal friend of the Second President Bush.
I was a plant manager with Firestone making passenger tires during the 500 problem. This was not greed; it was the direct result of trying to convert too quickly from bias to radial. My company took it on the chin. What is never said is that the entire US tire manufacturers were having the same problems to varying degrees. The Ford Explorer was tip over prone due to its height. The design was soon changed and no further problems were reported.
As to Toyota, in my opinion they have been crucified by the Media and by Congress. I own one and am completely satisfied with its performance. Toyota led the way into the new world of Hybrid vehicles while G.M. in particular dragged its feet. Toyota Executives earn a third as compared to the Big Three and are scheduled for a 30 % reduction in line with their current fiscal problems. The Democratic Congress enjoys beating up on Toyota executives; I believe to try to prove that they are as irresponsible as the Big Three and to placate the UAW union. Remember Toyota was not bailed out with Billions of tax payer dollars nor will they be. They are aggressively reacting to repair the re-called models. My next purchase will be Toyota and I would venture to guess that other owners feel the same as I do.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
March 1, 2010
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