Friday, May 20, 2011

A Counter Proposition- Letter to the editor

President Obama is urging Israel to give up all the territory they acquired during the war in 1967 with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. This war was the third time Arab nations had attempted to eliminate the Jewish state. The forces were gathering. The United Nations Peacekeepers were told to leave. Shipping lanes critical for Israel’s survival were closed. In desperation all civilian men were recalled to active service and Israel attacked first. Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula as well as Jerusalem became a part of Israel. Later the Sinai was returned to Egypt but the rest were kept.
Anyone with an ounce of sense looking at the borders that existed before the war would recognize that the country was vulnerable to attack. Only the skill and determination of the Israeli citizens averted a tragedy. Don’t think for a moment that the Jews would not be slaughtered if overrun. Each war that has been thrust on them amounted to survival. Technology has advanced considerably since 1967. In my opinion a sudden strike would be devastating. As the nation suffered, I also believe I can state that the nations attacking would also be destroyed by the nuclear arsenal that Israel possesses.
Israel does not want this and therefore have rejected the proposition of President Obama. Israel will also never negotiate with terrorists as Hamas has proven to be over the decades.
I have a thought to share with our President. To show his sincerity I believe he should propose returning Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California back to Mexico. After all, these territories were taken from Mexico when they were considerably weaker than America. What is right for the goose should also be right for the gander, as the old saying goes.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A book report

Soldier and President
By: Stephen E. Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose has written many historical books. I consider him one of the best. When I was informed about this new book, I immediately purchased it, even though I have read other books on the life of Dwight Eisenhower. I was not disappointed. It did advance my knowledge and understanding of the great contributions to our country and the world of this special human being. Rather than my usual assessment of a book I have chosen to just let the author speak for himself.
“His greatest successes came in foreign policy, and the related area of national defense spending. By making peace in Korea, and avoiding war thereafter for the next seven and one-half years, and by holding down, almost single-handedly, the pace of the arms race, he achieved his major accomplishments. ----he rebuffed Symington and the Pentagon and the JCS and the AEC and the military-industrial complex. And no one knows how many lives he saved by ending the war in Korea and refusing to enter many others, despite a half-dozen and more unanimous recommendations that he go to war.”
In my opinion only Ike with his WWII record could have held back the war lovers. Any President without his credentials would have been considered soft.
He was adamant about the need to balance the budget and was successful in achieving that goal while Americans enjoyed prosperity as never before.
This is a very readable book, extremely interesting with many insights into his decision making process. His party expected him to reverse the 16 years of control by the other party but he took the best of both and formed alliances to assure the steady progress the country enjoyed. President Eisenhower is on my short list of the greatest Presidents in our history.

Jack B. Walters
April 30, 2011