Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Charley Wilson's War

The Democrats in Congress are furious at their perceived Russian plot to have Afghans kill American soldiers. Whether true or not, their only objective is to add more bad press against the President. In the 80’s when Reagan was president, the Russians controlled Afghanistan. Our government gave billions in training and weaponry including Stinger Missiles to the Afghans to kill Russians. This is just another attempt to convince American voters to elect Biden in November. What will they think of next?

Thursday, June 25, 2020

My Country Right or Wrong, My Country

In our growing pains as a new country on this huge continent, there were many times when grievous actions were taken for which we cannot be proud. I ask you to put your negative thoughts aside and ask you to be proud of your heritage. The experiment in believing that “All Men are Created Equal” was unique in the world in the 1700’s. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with the 10 Amendments added to protect individuals was and still remains the best effort towards creating a free society. I fully agree and understand that slavery as an institution was not compatible with these ides but even here there was intense discussion to end it. The fact of the matter is there never would have been a new country if slavery was abolished at that time. The Southern States would not have joined and England could have easily put down the rebellion if the Northern States were alone. I am writing this as my effort to get at least a few to consider the steamrolling across the country today, tearing down Monuments, efforts to rename streets and cities. What started as Confederate monuments to Southern Generals has now expanding to Grant, Jackson and where will it stop. Must we erase all vestiges of our past to satisfy those who hate America? There is a petition to rename Columbus, Ohio. Parks and military bases as well. I can see there is no end. The State of Washington must be renamed as well as Washington, D.C. Will Washington and Jefferson be chiseled off of Mt. Rushmore? Will their memorials in D.C. be destroyed? Even Lincoln who hated slavery did not believe the Negro was the equal of whites. It is reasonable to accept since they were kept in ignorance at that time. It is unconscionable to take today’s knowledge and infer that it should have been the thinking in those early days. Once the whitewash job is completed and our history replaced or distorted to where there is no longer a country worth fighting for, it will be all over. Lincoln once said we cannot be defeated externally only internally. That still holds true. Our struggle upwards was never pretty but I for one thank my lucky stars that I was born an American. If you do not feel this way then you are part of the problem. Fix the problems aggressively but don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Brett Favre Comments

Has everyone lost their common sense? Brett Favre compared Pat Tillman with Colin Kaepernick as being on the same level. Tillman at his prime gave up his career after 9/11 to join the Army and fight for his country and tragically died from friendly fire. Kaepernick took a knee during the playing of our National Anthem to protest his perceived police bias against black men. As a result he created an incentive for thousands to protest while at the same time being paid millions by Niki to stimulate shoe sales. Tillman was a hero in my book not Kaepernick

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

General Ulysses S. Grant

The Complete Personal Memoirs of General Ulysses S. Grant Several weeks ago I watched the three-part two hours each history of Grant on the History Channel. It was extremely well done. I am sure you can find it. I urge you to try. It was after this that I decided to order his biography. I have finally finished. I am not necessarily asking you to read because of its extreme length and thoroughness. It is amazing to me the depth of his knowledge and memory. The details from his youth are amazing. You know I wrote my own biography and published it in 2004. My memory of those early years was dismal. I can only assume that the description of battle events was from notes taken during the events. Otherwise it would be impossible to remember. The incredible fact is that he never lost a battle during the four years of the Civil War. He may have had setbacks but he always was able to start anew and win. He never met President Lincoln until after his conquest of Vicksburg on July 4, 1864. It was then that Lincoln made him Commander-in-Chief of all the Armies East and West. From that time on both Armies synchronized their efforts in a mutual way to prevent the South from shifting their Armies from one sector to the other. When Lincoln was told that Grant was a drunk, his reply was to find out what whiskey he drank and supply it to all the other Generals. He said Grant fights. There had been a time early on when he was posted to California after the war with Mexico and separated from his wife and family that he drank excessively. He resigned and returned to Civilian life until called up after the secession of the Southern States. He put this book together at the end of his life in order that his family would have income to support them. Otherwise he was in debt due to being swindled in a business affair. He was dying of a throat cancer and within days of finishing the book he died. America has been blessed throughout our history with leaders who arose when desperately needed. Grant was one of them. Jack B. Walters June 16, 2020

Dare to Fly

By; Martha McSally (Simple Lessons in Never Giving Up) For all kinds of reasons many of you living in Arizona will vote against McSally in November. I can say the same for those in other States, who will support Democrats, no matter what to effect a change in the power structure. I bought this book as I was interested in what she might have to say. Thankfully this was not about her politics but for the most part her life story with emphasis on the difficulties she had to overcome to graduate from the Air Force Academy, learn to fly the A-10 and rise in rank to Colonel leading others in combat. The one issue that I had followed closely when it was happening was her brave actions to reverse the policy of female military to wear burkas in Saudi Arabia when off base and have a male driver. She fought this against Donald Rumsfeld and won. The Bill to rescind the policy was approved by the House unanimously The Senate then also approved. One piece of Legislation that was passed which she sponsored was to give recognition to the female pilots from WWII. At the time they were considered civilians. The Army would not allow them to be buried in Arlington. She has been athletic her whole life running marathons and triathlon events. I was impressed by this. The most I ever did was running in 10K races. Other than the above this is an interesting biography which you might enjoy reading. Jack B. Walters June 16, 2020