Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Public Speaking 101
I once had a position where I was being interviewed by the press. I was sent to a class on speaking on TV. The things I remember were; speak to the camera not the interviewer. It is the public you are hoping to reach. Keep a pleasant face, smile, never look angry. If asked an outrageous question such as “Are you still beating your wife”? Never respond by saying no. It will be implied you had been. Take the opportunity to say whatever you want to inform the public about.
I am only writing this out of disgust for the shameful “debate” we watched last night. Both candidates disgraced themselves and our country with their childish ranting. They refused to respond to the moderator, talked over and constantly insulted each other. Their teams had promised not to do this and to allow two minutes uninterrupted. Both supposedly had advisors to help prepare. They should all hang their heads in shame.
Friday, September 18, 2020
George Floyd
Those officers should receive the highest type of sentence for committing this heinous act of cruelty.
I believe the police were called after Floyd presented a counterfeit twenty dollar bill. How many times have you given a twenty and watched the cashier run a crayon over it. This incident is tragic because of the consequences.
I understand the deep feeling of concern by people of color and the knowledge that they were kept in virtual bondage for 100 years after the end of the Civil War. That does not mean that we should not take every means possible to stop the violence from those who take advantage of these occurrences to create disorder.
I care about my country. I fear for our future if we cannot find a way to live together judged by the content of our character not by skin color as a great man once said.
Jack B. Walters
May 31, 2020
Comments on the Conventions, Climate Change and the Middle East
I watched as much as I could stand of the Democratic Convention. I watched every minute of the Republican Convention. It featured ordinary people whose occupations had been aided by Trump’s policies including a lobster fisherman from Maine, a mining worker from Minnesota, a dairy farmer from Wisconsin and other ordinary people. The theme was how all groups including blacks, Hispanics and women experienced job gains and increased income. Where Obama made the statement “Trump will need a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs”, Trump did start bringing them back by lowering the Corporate Income tax from 35% to 21% and eliminating regulations that were an impediment to business in general.
The Democrats featured their “stars” Hillary and Bill, Obama, Michele, Cortez and Sanders. The whole theme for four days was a condemnation of Trump. Never a word about how they would bring back jobs or any other aspect of their programs. Not one word about the ongoing chaos being carried out on a daily basis somewhere in America. No condemnation or even recognition that there was a problem. Since then, as their lead in the polls was diminishing, Biden at least has mentioned it. He even said should he lose the chaos would continue. Isn’t that a great way to scare people into voting for him? As we get closer it seems on a daily basis the liberal press runs features of a woman who claimed to have been raped decades ago, the Colonel who thought Trump’s phone call was an impeachable offence, Bob Woodward’s latest attempt to bring down another President, repeats of the videos of police using force to subdue black men. The unproven allegation of Trump denigrating the service people buried in a cemetery in France. He has fully supported our military. It hurts to see letters to the editor by service men who believe this scurrilous comment from the Atlantic magazine. There was a time when I subscribed. It had been suggested as a good source of information. As soon as Trump came into the picture it started writing negative articles. I did not renew.
They blame him for the hurricanes and wild fires. He does not hesitate to deny global warming but the truth is that due to fracking producing low cost gas America has lowered their emissions. Every State has active programs installing solar panels and wind mills. The real culprits are countries like China and India who under the Paris plan were allowed to keep increasing over decades while America would in effect shut down.
Obama gave a speech at West Point on December 2, 2009 about the need to increase troop levels in Afghanistan from 71,000 to over 100,000. It was entitled “Our Security is at Stake”. At that time there were still 140,000 troops in Iraq. Shortly thereafter on December 10, 2009 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. How bizarre is that? Currently Trump has started the reduction in Iraq to 3,000 and under 5,000 in Afghanistan. Can’t anyone understand what an amazing accomplishment this is? Under Trump’s leadership the ISIS group was decimated and with the change from combat to training, the troop levels have been dropping quietly. The major holdup I have read is removing our heavy equipment. This should be front page news trumpeted from the highest towers but it won’t because of the liberal press’s onslaught of negative columns as they try desperately to defeat Trump in November.
The Kosovo- Serbia agreement ends the conflict that was supposedly ended when Clinton was President. There were United Nations troops sent there to keep the peace. I can only assume this expense will no longer be necessary. Further Serbia will be moving their embassy to Jerusalem along with other countries one by one. The idea to move was approved by Congress when Clinton was there. Until Trump, no other president had the nerve to do it. Bit by bit the Middle East is settling down. Soon, hopefully the Palestinians will be left with support only from Iran, a country which is in dire financial stress because of Trump’s sanctions. They will be forced to accept Israel, when that happens Gaza can finally devote their efforts towards enhancing the lives of their people.
Jack B. Walters
September 18, 2020
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel prizes were the legacy of Alfred Nobel. He was a wealthy man. In 1896 he stipulated that his entire fortune to be used to award annual prizes in fields such as physics, chemistry, medicine or psychology, literature and peace.
I checked thru Wikipedia to find notable American recipients of the Nobel Peace Prizes.
1906- Theodore Roosevelt- Mediation of the Russo-Japanese War
1919- Woodrow Wilson- For establishing the League of Nations
1945- Cordell Hull- United Nations Organization
1953- George Marshall- Marshall Plan
1964- Martin Luther King, Jr- proved a struggle can be made without violence
1973- Henry Kissinger -1973 Paris peace agreement ending the Vietnam War
2002-Jimmy Carter- for decades of effort to find peaceful solutions
2007-Al Gore- Disseminating greater knowledge about man made climate change
2009- Barack Obama- Extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people
Why have I researched this because of the brouhaha about Donald Trump being nominated not once but twice? First for the UAE, Bahrain and Israel agreement and second for the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo. I listened to Pelosi minimizing the achievement because it didn’t include the Palestinians. She called it a distraction. Also the editorial writer for Atlantic said it was time to stop handing out peace awards. Trump, Kushner and the team took a different route to try to end the never-ending conflict in the Middle East. Instead of coddling Hamas they tried an end run with the hope that as other Muslim nations sign on and stop subsidizing Hamas they will eventually have to settle as well. These two new ones are added to Jordan and Egypt. It is reported others are close to agreement. A magnificent achievement.
Monday, September 7, 2020
We Have One Last Chance
Do you remember the eight years when Obama was president how deferential the media was towards him? Anyone with the audacity to criticism his policies was immediately labeled a racist and therefore relegated to the trash pile. His personal history was defined by the books he wrote. Any reference to his college days, friends, grade point average, etc. was simply not available as if it were of the utmost importance to be kept secret. Some people like me could not accept McCain and Palin and voted for Obama. I listened closely, as I always do, and liked the words he spoke about programs he would pursue. I didn’t vote for his second term as his programs were not what he had stated. He was re-elected anyway. It seems to me that only nuts like me pay attention to what is really happening. Most voters it seems decide based on personality, race, religion or other irrelevant criteria whereas I am mostly concerned with programs promised and made or not made as was the case for Obama. Over 90% of Blacks voted for him each time. I consider that racism even though it was obviously important for that community to finally achieve this pinnacle for their race after hundreds of years of oppression.
Now let’s compare his experience to that afforded President Trump. From the first time he descended the escalator he was lambasted by the media. His candidacy was extraordinary in that he had no political experience. He defeated Governors, Senators and others with resumes which was the basis for their request to be elected.
As you should know I have devoted my retirement years in attempting to learn about our history and policies of government. During my early years I was a stanch supporter of F.D.R. My first vote was for H.S.T. From there I bounced between parties with a trend towards conservatism. In later years I became disappointed with both parties as they became more tribal and less capable of compromise for the good of the country which is why I was ready to vote for Trump. He promised to shake up the status quo and whether you support him or despise him he has certainly accomplished that. After a rough start with the old line Republicans, the party started to transform from being a fat cat party to one with concern about the common man similar to the programs of Roosevelt. At the same time the Democratic Party no longer cared about the working citizens. They blissfully allowed millions of jobs to head overseas leaving destitute whole communities with the result of drug abuse and unemployment. More and more became totally dependent on government for sustenance whereas before they had supported their families by dint of their effort. To be fair I also accuse G. W. Bush of allowing jobs to leave our country during his eight years.
Before Trump was even elected, the Democrats wanted to start impeachment proceedings. Most stayed away from his indoctrination ceremonies. Right away there was an organized “Women’s March” in Washington wearing their vagina hats. He tried to stop people from radicalized Muslim nations from entering America. Organized protests erupted at major airports. The news media began on ongoing onslaught of hatred towards Trump for any and all reasons they could conger up. His every word was dissected to find a negative connotation. In Charlottesville he merely tried clumsily to state that people like me who did not want historical monuments destroyed were good people not Nazis or KKK. Every day in all media he is pummeled. My own newspaper includes daily attacks from so-called experts. The letters to the editor are hate filled. Mine get published occasionally as a counterpoint. The vast majority of my classmates at OLLI hate him with passion. I am alone in my defense which has created at unhealthy position for me. Just now the Atlantic printed an expose of negative comments he allegedly made about our soldiers in European graveyards two years ago by anonymous sources unverified. No one near him that day has any knowledge that he made these scurrilous comments. Trump has proven his support for the men and women volunteers who defend our country. Obama had seriously weakened our capability. It was he who allowed ISIS to create a huge empire in the Middle East. I remember how discouraged pilots were when their planes returned to the carrier with bombs still attached as they were turned back out of fear of killing civilians. Under Trump these same forces decimated ISIS until it is no more. He assassinated two leaders responsible for creating ISIS or from Iran, the country that provides weapons to radical Islamic organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas. Joe Biden criticized him about this.
Now for the most important issue facing America today, the ongoing chaos being created in cities all over the country. It is my firm belief that these are planned by the organizations of Antifa or Black Lives Matter. There are many people of all colors who have demonstrated in honest concern about the treatment of blacks by police. The point I wish to make is that these organizations are primed and ready to kick into motion the destruction that has decimated communities by looting, arson and destruction of all types. All they needed was a visual, taped incident like the knee of a police office on the neck of Mr. Floyd. Immediately chaos descended not only in Minneapolis but New York and others. Many of these are found to be from out of town. Money has been given to protesters and bail money made available so that even if arrested they are let go to participate over and over. To allow this to happen over 100 days in Portland is just not acceptable. Trump would send in the Guard if requested as they were in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The rioting ceased immediately. Biden or Harris won’t even acknowledge that mayhem exists. These are their supporters. They hope that they will get the votes. I believe that the chaos will end once they have their victory. It will be a false peace, as they will rise again anytime they sense opposition.
In addition there is harassment of everyday citizens who are just going about normal activities which are disrupted by thugs holding their fists in the air and demanding they do as well. Free speech no longer exists on college campuses or in communities. You either do as told or your voice is drowned out. There has never been a report of Trump supporters harassing Democrats after their convention but there was in Washington after the Republican convention. A great positive evening was destroyed by harassing people as they returned to their hotels including death threats. The Corporations are caving in one by one. American Airline employees can wear BLM tags, Goodyear was caught stating it was OK to wear BLM but not Blue line, Thousands and perhaps millions have been extorted.
I am totally convinced that should the Democrats win all three branches of government that they will drastically destroy our country that we have known and loved our whole lives. From here there will be no opportunity to recover. This is not merely a change from one party’s philosophies but a transformation. Forget the Constitution; they will abolish the Electoral College and rule by numbers only. We are a Republic. The small States demanded two Senators as a check against the many Representatives that the larger States would have. Our founders wanted checks against mob rule. They will pack the Supreme Court to erase the Conservative majority it now has achieved. With a victory they will assure that there will never be a close election again. They will have complete control. Only by taking up arms will they relinquish control.
Please don’t allow this to happen.
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