The Idea That Is America
Keeping faith with our values
In a dangerous world
By: Anne-Marie Slaughter
As my readers understand, I have been on a multi-year struggle to understand the world we live in and to try to think of ways to preserve and enhance all life forms and the world itself. To that end I read vociferously books from all points of view. I usually fall back in confusion as ideas tend to cancel out other ideas I felt pertinent. This book is so coherent, reasonable and simple to understand that I must give it my highest recommendation as a must read book by those who care as I do. I will go so far as to believe it should be a required course of study at the High School level. The premise is such that it would promote quiet debate rather than the strident discourse we live with on a daily basis.
She devotes specific chapters to; Liberty, Democracy, Equality, Justice, Tolerance, Humility, Faith.
It might seem as if these would all blend in without being entities unto themselves but she proves capable, and after each chapter a better understanding of each emerges after which in her conclusion she ties them all together.
She may offend readers as she is very critical of the current administration and its arrogant attitude towards the world community with the assertion, “You are either with us or against us”, and the other “We are on a Crusade” which implies a holy war. She warns that forsaking basic values in our Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to confront terrorists only assures that the bad guys win as even Benjamin Franklin stated that if we are willing to give up rights out of fear then we have lost our rights.
She doesn’t confide her criticism to one administration; she traces problems throughout our history, issues such as denying women and minorities or groups of immigrants or religions other than Protestant, from enjoying the blessings of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
We desperately need to search for leaders who will reassure our citizens and the citizens of the world that we still believe in our core values and demonstrate leadership towards improving life for all. What a great world we could have if we could be the “Beacon on the Hill” we once stood for. READ AND BE INSPIRED.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 20, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Outrageous Law Suits
Outrageous Law Suits
I am using the “lost pants” $54 million law suit against the South Korean Dry Cleaner family to make my point. The Chung family ultimately was successful in fighting this two year suit but it was a hollow victory as their expenses exceeded $100,000 and the litigant; Mr. Pearson, believe it or not, is appealing the District of Columbia Court’s opinion.
According to an article in today’s edition of the Arizona Daily Star the Chungs have had to sell two of their three establishments as a result of lost business and the trial expense.
Justice, according to me, would require that the Pearson’s of this country, who file these outrageous law suits should be required to pay all costs incurred by the defendants as well as compensate them for the harm done to them emotionally and monetarily.
Frivolous suits are being filed on a continuous basis, and why not. The litigants have nothing to lose and gain a small percentage of any money available after the law firm takes its cut. Until the system is changed to hold the law firms and litigants responsible for costs incurred in these ridiculous suits, the game will continue. These games take an inordinate amount of the legal systems time, keeping it occupied and unable to address more important issues before the courts.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 20, 2007
I am using the “lost pants” $54 million law suit against the South Korean Dry Cleaner family to make my point. The Chung family ultimately was successful in fighting this two year suit but it was a hollow victory as their expenses exceeded $100,000 and the litigant; Mr. Pearson, believe it or not, is appealing the District of Columbia Court’s opinion.
According to an article in today’s edition of the Arizona Daily Star the Chungs have had to sell two of their three establishments as a result of lost business and the trial expense.
Justice, according to me, would require that the Pearson’s of this country, who file these outrageous law suits should be required to pay all costs incurred by the defendants as well as compensate them for the harm done to them emotionally and monetarily.
Frivolous suits are being filed on a continuous basis, and why not. The litigants have nothing to lose and gain a small percentage of any money available after the law firm takes its cut. Until the system is changed to hold the law firms and litigants responsible for costs incurred in these ridiculous suits, the game will continue. These games take an inordinate amount of the legal systems time, keeping it occupied and unable to address more important issues before the courts.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Iron Horse- Lou Gehrig's story
Iron Horse
Lou Gehrig in his time
By Ray Robinson
My reading in recent years usually pertains to heavy issues. I took a breather when I spotted this book at the Public Library. Lou died in 1941. I would have been 13 at the time so I can’t really claim to have known all about him but I was a baseball enthusiast and knew about the Yankees, the Dodgers and Giants. Regardless of my knowledge, this book brought back memories and filled in the many blank spaces with the full story of this man’s life. His life and others like him in those years are completely different from the prima donnas of today. Their pay was miniscule in comparison. They truly played for the love of the game.
Lou didn’t smoke, drink or play around. He spent all of his energy trying to become a better player. His work ethic was outstanding during his never to be bested playing streak of 2,130 games. During that streak he often played with broken fingers and other serious injuries that would keep average players on the bench.
I have nearly given up interest in professional sports today. Hardly a day goes by without some new revelation of a player or manager committing some offense. The brutality also lessons for me the fine points of sports.
I hope that someone of you will try to get a copy to read for yourself. It is not only a well written sports story but even if you have never been a sports fan you can enjoy reading about a person who strove to succeed and excelled at his chosen profession.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 19, 2007
Lou Gehrig in his time
By Ray Robinson
My reading in recent years usually pertains to heavy issues. I took a breather when I spotted this book at the Public Library. Lou died in 1941. I would have been 13 at the time so I can’t really claim to have known all about him but I was a baseball enthusiast and knew about the Yankees, the Dodgers and Giants. Regardless of my knowledge, this book brought back memories and filled in the many blank spaces with the full story of this man’s life. His life and others like him in those years are completely different from the prima donnas of today. Their pay was miniscule in comparison. They truly played for the love of the game.
Lou didn’t smoke, drink or play around. He spent all of his energy trying to become a better player. His work ethic was outstanding during his never to be bested playing streak of 2,130 games. During that streak he often played with broken fingers and other serious injuries that would keep average players on the bench.
I have nearly given up interest in professional sports today. Hardly a day goes by without some new revelation of a player or manager committing some offense. The brutality also lessons for me the fine points of sports.
I hope that someone of you will try to get a copy to read for yourself. It is not only a well written sports story but even if you have never been a sports fan you can enjoy reading about a person who strove to succeed and excelled at his chosen profession.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 19, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Iraq Deception
Iraq Deception
Move has caused quite a controversy with their advertisement in the NY Times newspaper about General Petraeus. In my opinion it distracted from the real issue of President Bush’s long term intention to occupy Iraq as we continue to occupy Korea, Germany and Japan 50 years after the end of WWII. We do that to have forces readily available should they be required. As far as Iraq is concerned, the purpose is to ensure oil supplies are always available for our use.
When Pres. Bush talks about a gradual reduction he hopes to appease his allies and foes in Congress so that funding will allow him to continue through the end of his second term and force the next occupant to continue to pay for occupying forces decades into the future.
With over 180,000 contractors in IRAQ, many of whom are Para military he doesn’t need 160,000 troops to accomplish his goal. These contractors are building permanent bases throughout IRAQ for occupancy by US forces. Pres. Bush does not intend to leave. The 750 million dollar, self sufficient, US Embassy in Baghdad also proves the long term intention.
After all of the speeches are made, the Congress will give him the funds he needs. It is sad that members of Congress cannot or will not address the issue I put forth in this letter. We as voters need to evict these weaklings from their vaulted positions, Democrats as well as Republicans and elect outsiders who will do what is right and end the carnage at least as far as our involvement feeds the fire.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 16, 2007
Move has caused quite a controversy with their advertisement in the NY Times newspaper about General Petraeus. In my opinion it distracted from the real issue of President Bush’s long term intention to occupy Iraq as we continue to occupy Korea, Germany and Japan 50 years after the end of WWII. We do that to have forces readily available should they be required. As far as Iraq is concerned, the purpose is to ensure oil supplies are always available for our use.
When Pres. Bush talks about a gradual reduction he hopes to appease his allies and foes in Congress so that funding will allow him to continue through the end of his second term and force the next occupant to continue to pay for occupying forces decades into the future.
With over 180,000 contractors in IRAQ, many of whom are Para military he doesn’t need 160,000 troops to accomplish his goal. These contractors are building permanent bases throughout IRAQ for occupancy by US forces. Pres. Bush does not intend to leave. The 750 million dollar, self sufficient, US Embassy in Baghdad also proves the long term intention.
After all of the speeches are made, the Congress will give him the funds he needs. It is sad that members of Congress cannot or will not address the issue I put forth in this letter. We as voters need to evict these weaklings from their vaulted positions, Democrats as well as Republicans and elect outsiders who will do what is right and end the carnage at least as far as our involvement feeds the fire.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 16, 2007
TUSD Sickout
TUSD Sickout
I read the 9/15/07 article in the Arizona Daily Star with interest. I took particular notice that out of 3,500 teachers, over 500 are out sick on most Fridays. It doesn’t compute that this many could actually be sick enough to miss work to that high a percentage. To me, it shows a disregard to the learning experience of students and a misuse of the benefit provided. Since the policy is generous enough to allow them to carry over days to the following year it fosters the premise that the days are theirs to take without regard to sickness.
Perhaps, if they are so interested in higher paychecks, they might be willing to trade some of this and other benefits for higher wages. The cost of hiring replacements must be huge but more importantly, the loss of continuity be having the same teacher must detract seriously from the learning experience.
One more thought. I remember the high number of teachers who were absent during the “amnesty” sick out day earlier this year. It would be interesting to see if these were the same teachers who took part in this recent sick out.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 16, 2007
I read the 9/15/07 article in the Arizona Daily Star with interest. I took particular notice that out of 3,500 teachers, over 500 are out sick on most Fridays. It doesn’t compute that this many could actually be sick enough to miss work to that high a percentage. To me, it shows a disregard to the learning experience of students and a misuse of the benefit provided. Since the policy is generous enough to allow them to carry over days to the following year it fosters the premise that the days are theirs to take without regard to sickness.
Perhaps, if they are so interested in higher paychecks, they might be willing to trade some of this and other benefits for higher wages. The cost of hiring replacements must be huge but more importantly, the loss of continuity be having the same teacher must detract seriously from the learning experience.
One more thought. I remember the high number of teachers who were absent during the “amnesty” sick out day earlier this year. It would be interesting to see if these were the same teachers who took part in this recent sick out.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 16, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Soldiers of Fortune
Soldiers of Fortune
An article published in a Los Angeles newspaper June 21, 2007
Written by Sandra Svoboba
The article was mailed to me by my niece who lives in California and knows of my continuing concern about serious national issues.
The reality that mercenaries are operating in Iraq and elsewhere is well known to those of us who pay attention to these things. What I did not realize is the extent it has grown in size during the Bush Administration. The numbers have swelled by 88% between 2000 and 2006 according to a Congressional Research Service report. We have been told repeatedly about the “surge”, which brought in 30,000 additional combat troops which brought the total to 145,000 troops. What we weren’t told was that at the same time there are about 130,000 private contractor mercenaries in Iraq. For the most part these mercenaries are outside of U.S. law. Those working for the Coalition Provisional Authority are exempted from Iraqi law. In addition since they are not military they are not subject to court-martial. Deaths and wounded are not reported. Most are no bid contracts. Surprisingly only 21,500 are Americans. The industry has grown to $100 billion in annual revenue.
There are many reasons to be concerned. Since these people are paid from $350 to $1,000 per day, I can only imagine the morale problem of our military that do most of the fighting and dying for considerably less. If I were to put my life on the line I think I would think seriously about re-enlisting with this much at stake.
What incentive does a contractor have to see peace achieved when that would end the financial rewards? The article concludes with the following thought, “We’re likening corporate profits to the business of war---You build in an incentive to keep the conflict going”.
Now I want to share my thoughts on this subject. I don’t remember the name of the General who was sacked after stating at the beginning of the war that 300,000 troops would be needed to keep the peace. If you add 130,000 to 145,000 you get 275,000. I would guess that the General was pretty accurate in his analysis. Since the cost is six to seven times higher than our military that means to me we are paying considerably more in the administrations attempt to hide the fact that this many troops are needed. Of course we all know that this is still not enough as our progress has not been acceptable to date.
What worries me even more is that the president has control over his own private Army who it appears will do his bidding without question as long as the price is right. In the aftermath of Katrina he tried to get the Congress to give him authority to move troops into a State without the agreement of the Governor. This was not granted but could he not accomplish the same end with mercenaries. They actually were brought to Louisiana to protect private interests for wealthy customers so it is conceivable a President might take this course of action if a Governor balked.
Every day it seems that Bush and Cheney keep pushing for more and more power resisting all attempts by the Congress on oversight. I call this the imperial executive branch which disdains legislative procedures.
The purpose of this paper is to get the reader concerned and forewarned.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 28, 2007
An article published in a Los Angeles newspaper June 21, 2007
Written by Sandra Svoboba
The article was mailed to me by my niece who lives in California and knows of my continuing concern about serious national issues.
The reality that mercenaries are operating in Iraq and elsewhere is well known to those of us who pay attention to these things. What I did not realize is the extent it has grown in size during the Bush Administration. The numbers have swelled by 88% between 2000 and 2006 according to a Congressional Research Service report. We have been told repeatedly about the “surge”, which brought in 30,000 additional combat troops which brought the total to 145,000 troops. What we weren’t told was that at the same time there are about 130,000 private contractor mercenaries in Iraq. For the most part these mercenaries are outside of U.S. law. Those working for the Coalition Provisional Authority are exempted from Iraqi law. In addition since they are not military they are not subject to court-martial. Deaths and wounded are not reported. Most are no bid contracts. Surprisingly only 21,500 are Americans. The industry has grown to $100 billion in annual revenue.
There are many reasons to be concerned. Since these people are paid from $350 to $1,000 per day, I can only imagine the morale problem of our military that do most of the fighting and dying for considerably less. If I were to put my life on the line I think I would think seriously about re-enlisting with this much at stake.
What incentive does a contractor have to see peace achieved when that would end the financial rewards? The article concludes with the following thought, “We’re likening corporate profits to the business of war---You build in an incentive to keep the conflict going”.
Now I want to share my thoughts on this subject. I don’t remember the name of the General who was sacked after stating at the beginning of the war that 300,000 troops would be needed to keep the peace. If you add 130,000 to 145,000 you get 275,000. I would guess that the General was pretty accurate in his analysis. Since the cost is six to seven times higher than our military that means to me we are paying considerably more in the administrations attempt to hide the fact that this many troops are needed. Of course we all know that this is still not enough as our progress has not been acceptable to date.
What worries me even more is that the president has control over his own private Army who it appears will do his bidding without question as long as the price is right. In the aftermath of Katrina he tried to get the Congress to give him authority to move troops into a State without the agreement of the Governor. This was not granted but could he not accomplish the same end with mercenaries. They actually were brought to Louisiana to protect private interests for wealthy customers so it is conceivable a President might take this course of action if a Governor balked.
Every day it seems that Bush and Cheney keep pushing for more and more power resisting all attempts by the Congress on oversight. I call this the imperial executive branch which disdains legislative procedures.
The purpose of this paper is to get the reader concerned and forewarned.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 28, 2007
The Long Road Home
The Long Road Home
By Martha Raddatz
This book was suggested to me by a friend who has two son-in-laws in Iraq at this time and whose daughter is scheduled to go in November. One of the sons-in-law was wounded in the battle and has returned to Iraq. None of us who read the papers and watch TV News can have any understanding of the emotions of family whose sons and daughters are in harms way on a daily basis. He, of course is a strong advocate of the war while I remain equally as adamant that we are fighting the wrong war in the wrong place. There can be no disagreement that radical Islam is on a worldwide effort to take over civilization as we have known and enjoyed for many years. We must be actively engaged wherever they appear and wipe them out one by one. There is no reasoning with them. You convert, live as a slave or die. Those are their only options. My disagreement is in how we are fighting this enemy of civilization.
Ms. Raddatz has written an outstanding first hand account of the events that took place on April 4, 2004 in Sadr City, Iraq. By piecing together the memories of those survivors the book reads like a novel it is so complete and relentless. It all starts with what is considered a peacekeeping mission. A patrol on a routine visit to the city with “honey” wagons is attacked by hundreds if not thousands of Mahdi militia under the leadership of Moqtada al-Sadr, a Muslim Cleric opposed to Americans being in his country. The “honey” wagon patrol consisted of trucks which sucked up raw human waste from the streets. This was not an accident. It was a near total collaboration by most of the citizens. Children were actively engaged including throwing lighted torches and firing weapons.
While the patrol was quietly doing their job the people barricaded all of the major streets leading to the area where they were working. They piled refrigerators, cars, carts, dead animals and everything else they could find. The patrol trying to extricate found it impossible and made their stand in a tall building and fought awaiting rescue. The rescuers had the same problem trying to reach them driving in through the debris while being under constant attack from rooftops, windows and alleyways. The greatest numbers of casualties were the rescuers. It took three attempts before the patrol was extricated. The third and successful try consisted of seven tanks. Eight of our men died that day and over sixty were wounded.
A soldier back at base camp sitting in a stupor asked his officer why they left their tanks at Fort Hood, Texas. The reply was that we didn’t want to look like an Army of Occupation and therefore left the heavy military vehicles at home.
I cannot lay blame for what happened. Up until this day resistance had been light and scattered. The emphasis was as peacekeepers with our troops doing things to improve their lives. After this occurred however I do blame those in authority as they were slow to realize the new situation and found the only way to respond was to send in the troops on foot or in open trucks where they have been sitting ducks for snipers and the ever increasing deadly roadside bombs.
My thought would be that the next time a similar happening occurred we should have sent in tanks and other heavy military vehicles with orders to shoot at any target without regard to civilian casualties. Further we would immediately call in air strikes on buildings in near proximity to the action. In today’s Daily Star I read that air strikes are now at the highest level they have been up to now in support of the Army and Marines. This is good to know but why were they so reluctant to use air power before this year?
This book is a must read by all Americans who care. The courage and devotion of these men is inspiring to read. We must always show our respect and gratitude for these young men, women and their families back home.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
July 15, 2007
By Martha Raddatz
This book was suggested to me by a friend who has two son-in-laws in Iraq at this time and whose daughter is scheduled to go in November. One of the sons-in-law was wounded in the battle and has returned to Iraq. None of us who read the papers and watch TV News can have any understanding of the emotions of family whose sons and daughters are in harms way on a daily basis. He, of course is a strong advocate of the war while I remain equally as adamant that we are fighting the wrong war in the wrong place. There can be no disagreement that radical Islam is on a worldwide effort to take over civilization as we have known and enjoyed for many years. We must be actively engaged wherever they appear and wipe them out one by one. There is no reasoning with them. You convert, live as a slave or die. Those are their only options. My disagreement is in how we are fighting this enemy of civilization.
Ms. Raddatz has written an outstanding first hand account of the events that took place on April 4, 2004 in Sadr City, Iraq. By piecing together the memories of those survivors the book reads like a novel it is so complete and relentless. It all starts with what is considered a peacekeeping mission. A patrol on a routine visit to the city with “honey” wagons is attacked by hundreds if not thousands of Mahdi militia under the leadership of Moqtada al-Sadr, a Muslim Cleric opposed to Americans being in his country. The “honey” wagon patrol consisted of trucks which sucked up raw human waste from the streets. This was not an accident. It was a near total collaboration by most of the citizens. Children were actively engaged including throwing lighted torches and firing weapons.
While the patrol was quietly doing their job the people barricaded all of the major streets leading to the area where they were working. They piled refrigerators, cars, carts, dead animals and everything else they could find. The patrol trying to extricate found it impossible and made their stand in a tall building and fought awaiting rescue. The rescuers had the same problem trying to reach them driving in through the debris while being under constant attack from rooftops, windows and alleyways. The greatest numbers of casualties were the rescuers. It took three attempts before the patrol was extricated. The third and successful try consisted of seven tanks. Eight of our men died that day and over sixty were wounded.
A soldier back at base camp sitting in a stupor asked his officer why they left their tanks at Fort Hood, Texas. The reply was that we didn’t want to look like an Army of Occupation and therefore left the heavy military vehicles at home.
I cannot lay blame for what happened. Up until this day resistance had been light and scattered. The emphasis was as peacekeepers with our troops doing things to improve their lives. After this occurred however I do blame those in authority as they were slow to realize the new situation and found the only way to respond was to send in the troops on foot or in open trucks where they have been sitting ducks for snipers and the ever increasing deadly roadside bombs.
My thought would be that the next time a similar happening occurred we should have sent in tanks and other heavy military vehicles with orders to shoot at any target without regard to civilian casualties. Further we would immediately call in air strikes on buildings in near proximity to the action. In today’s Daily Star I read that air strikes are now at the highest level they have been up to now in support of the Army and Marines. This is good to know but why were they so reluctant to use air power before this year?
This book is a must read by all Americans who care. The courage and devotion of these men is inspiring to read. We must always show our respect and gratitude for these young men, women and their families back home.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
July 15, 2007
War Funding for Iraq and Afghanistan
War Funding for Iraq and Afghanistan
Last week the House of Representatives voted 397 for and 27 against on a $645.6 Billion military budget which included $141.8 Billion for 12 months war in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition it includes $4.1 Billion for developing blast-resistant combat vehicles.
We have been listening to the speeches from the Democrats on stopping the war for weeks now. In the end, as we all knew they would, they caved in
and gave the President all he asked for and probably more.
Another fortune is to be squandered in this useless conflict that continues to produce American casualties every day as well as countless Iraqi citizens.
Those of us who voted last November for Democrats with the hope they would stop this bloodletting have been let down. It seems that no politician other than Dennis Kucinich and 26 others have the guts to stand up to Bush. None of them want to be considered weak on defense. What is left for us to do? Must we take to the streets?
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
May 21, 2007
Last week the House of Representatives voted 397 for and 27 against on a $645.6 Billion military budget which included $141.8 Billion for 12 months war in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition it includes $4.1 Billion for developing blast-resistant combat vehicles.
We have been listening to the speeches from the Democrats on stopping the war for weeks now. In the end, as we all knew they would, they caved in
and gave the President all he asked for and probably more.
Another fortune is to be squandered in this useless conflict that continues to produce American casualties every day as well as countless Iraqi citizens.
Those of us who voted last November for Democrats with the hope they would stop this bloodletting have been let down. It seems that no politician other than Dennis Kucinich and 26 others have the guts to stand up to Bush. None of them want to be considered weak on defense. What is left for us to do? Must we take to the streets?
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
May 21, 2007
The Right to Bear Arms
The issue is whether or not the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights should apply to present day assault weapons. Clearly it can be reasoned both in favor and against.
To start this discourse let’s begin by re-stating the exact language of the amendment. It is,” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The Bill of Rights was adopted in 1789. It was written by intelligent patriots who desired to produce a Constitution that would last a long time. We can all agree that they did a magnificent job. We are still functioning today.
Many learned scholars have interpreted this amendment over the years. This will be my attempt to understand and state my own conclusions.
At the start of the conflict with England, America did not have an army nor did it have State National Guard units or for that matter State Troopers or even police except in the larger cities. All it had were its citizens. Most if not all families had long rifles for hunting and to defend themselves from the native Indians and wild animals. They would band together in time of trouble. These were the men called to arms to fight for our independence. I therefore conclude that the amendment was written to have arms available to fight for their country as required and secondarily provide them the right of self defense.
In the 218 years since written there has been a huge difference between then and now. Today we have huge Military establishments directed by the Pentagon as well as State National Guard units, State Patrol, County Sheriffs, police departments and of course the F.B.I. At the present time these are all voluntary services. In time of war the government might be compelled to initiate a draft for personnel but whether volunteer or drafted the people called are not asked to bring their hunting rifles with them. It is possible therefore to conclude that arms possessed by the people are not required for the defense of the nation. They could of course be used by those citizens who desire to overthrow the government. I cannot believe that was the intention of the drafters of this amendment. A secondary use might be for citizens to fight against a foreign invader like the partisans did in Europe during the Second World War. This latter then would support the need to keep and bear arms.
As a nation more of our citizens own weapons than any other “civilized” country. We see every day on TV the carnage being inflicted on people in what I will refer to as un-civilized countries. These are the ones who parade around with their AK 47’s and wearing face masks.
One of the differences is that until recent times the weapons owned in America were hunting rifles, shotguns and pistols all of which were limited in fire power. I am not sure when assault weapons became available for purchase but I do know that an assault weapons law was in effect during the Clinton administration and allowed to lapse in 2004 during the administration of George Bush.
It is even possible today to purchase high powered sniper rifles capable of shooting down domestic aircraft. All of these new weapons are designed to kill people, lots of people, such as we have just witnessed at Virginia Tech. This will not be the last, in fact I believe other copy cat types will be inspired by this and try to set higher goals of mayhem. The members of the NRA and all everyday citizens should be assured gun ownership but not these new killer weapons. Surely we can agree on this, can’t we?
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
April 19, 2007
The issue is whether or not the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights should apply to present day assault weapons. Clearly it can be reasoned both in favor and against.
To start this discourse let’s begin by re-stating the exact language of the amendment. It is,” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The Bill of Rights was adopted in 1789. It was written by intelligent patriots who desired to produce a Constitution that would last a long time. We can all agree that they did a magnificent job. We are still functioning today.
Many learned scholars have interpreted this amendment over the years. This will be my attempt to understand and state my own conclusions.
At the start of the conflict with England, America did not have an army nor did it have State National Guard units or for that matter State Troopers or even police except in the larger cities. All it had were its citizens. Most if not all families had long rifles for hunting and to defend themselves from the native Indians and wild animals. They would band together in time of trouble. These were the men called to arms to fight for our independence. I therefore conclude that the amendment was written to have arms available to fight for their country as required and secondarily provide them the right of self defense.
In the 218 years since written there has been a huge difference between then and now. Today we have huge Military establishments directed by the Pentagon as well as State National Guard units, State Patrol, County Sheriffs, police departments and of course the F.B.I. At the present time these are all voluntary services. In time of war the government might be compelled to initiate a draft for personnel but whether volunteer or drafted the people called are not asked to bring their hunting rifles with them. It is possible therefore to conclude that arms possessed by the people are not required for the defense of the nation. They could of course be used by those citizens who desire to overthrow the government. I cannot believe that was the intention of the drafters of this amendment. A secondary use might be for citizens to fight against a foreign invader like the partisans did in Europe during the Second World War. This latter then would support the need to keep and bear arms.
As a nation more of our citizens own weapons than any other “civilized” country. We see every day on TV the carnage being inflicted on people in what I will refer to as un-civilized countries. These are the ones who parade around with their AK 47’s and wearing face masks.
One of the differences is that until recent times the weapons owned in America were hunting rifles, shotguns and pistols all of which were limited in fire power. I am not sure when assault weapons became available for purchase but I do know that an assault weapons law was in effect during the Clinton administration and allowed to lapse in 2004 during the administration of George Bush.
It is even possible today to purchase high powered sniper rifles capable of shooting down domestic aircraft. All of these new weapons are designed to kill people, lots of people, such as we have just witnessed at Virginia Tech. This will not be the last, in fact I believe other copy cat types will be inspired by this and try to set higher goals of mayhem. The members of the NRA and all everyday citizens should be assured gun ownership but not these new killer weapons. Surely we can agree on this, can’t we?
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
April 19, 2007
Where have all the leaders gone
Where Have All The Leaders Gone?
Lee Iacocca
As soon as I learned about this new book I sent out an e-mail which contained copy from his first chapter entitled, “Had Enough”? After reading it myself I was hooked and the next day went out to purchase a copy. I still really believe that my book,” The Last Angry Man”, covers more topics and if anything is more forceful. As I said when I sent the e-mail, the difference is that millions will read his book while mine has only reached a little over 150 and then only because I gave away all but a handful.
Every time a person of influence like this puts out a new book another nail is driven into the black heart of the current administration. I cheered as I turned each page. He exposes the sinister practices that drive their ideologies be it the economy or the Middle East.
Whenever I take the time to promote a book I take pains not to repeat what is written, preferring that you buy one for you and add the content to your brain cells. This time I am making an exemption on one part that confirmed for me how distorted our election process has become. It starts on page 239
(“In 1991, Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz died in a plane crash. My friend John Murtha came to me with a proposition: Robert Casey, the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, wanted to appoint me to complete Heinz’s term, and then I’d have run on my own in the fall. Murtha would see that I got some juicy committee assignments, and he thought it would be a stepping stone to the presidency for me.
They sent in a brash young man named James Carville to explain things to me. Carville was blunt and fast talking. Didn’t even stop to ask me what I thought about the issues. He shoved some papers at me. “Here is your position on abortion,” he said. “Here is your position on jobs”. “Here is your position on…”
Finally, I interrupted. “Wait just a minute,” I said. “Don’t I get to…?”
“No, no,” he dismissed me; “we’ve already done all the studies and focus groups.”
“So, you want me in office, but you’ll tell me what to believe?” I asked.
Carville shrugged, and started to continue his lecture. At which point I told him where he could shove it. That was my short- lived flirtation with the U.S. Senate.)
Take this experience of Mr. Iacocca and multiply it thousands of times by aspiring candidates for office without regard to party. These studies and focus groups identify what the prospective voter wants to hear and then they are told what to say on the stump. Is it any wonder things are so out of kilter today and why the leaders Mr. Iacocca is looking for are continually muffled and turned into robots?
If you don’t want to buy it go to your local library. Even those who still believe President Bush is doing a great job need to get the perspective this giant of industry has to share.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
May 2, 2007
Lee Iacocca
As soon as I learned about this new book I sent out an e-mail which contained copy from his first chapter entitled, “Had Enough”? After reading it myself I was hooked and the next day went out to purchase a copy. I still really believe that my book,” The Last Angry Man”, covers more topics and if anything is more forceful. As I said when I sent the e-mail, the difference is that millions will read his book while mine has only reached a little over 150 and then only because I gave away all but a handful.
Every time a person of influence like this puts out a new book another nail is driven into the black heart of the current administration. I cheered as I turned each page. He exposes the sinister practices that drive their ideologies be it the economy or the Middle East.
Whenever I take the time to promote a book I take pains not to repeat what is written, preferring that you buy one for you and add the content to your brain cells. This time I am making an exemption on one part that confirmed for me how distorted our election process has become. It starts on page 239
(“In 1991, Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz died in a plane crash. My friend John Murtha came to me with a proposition: Robert Casey, the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, wanted to appoint me to complete Heinz’s term, and then I’d have run on my own in the fall. Murtha would see that I got some juicy committee assignments, and he thought it would be a stepping stone to the presidency for me.
They sent in a brash young man named James Carville to explain things to me. Carville was blunt and fast talking. Didn’t even stop to ask me what I thought about the issues. He shoved some papers at me. “Here is your position on abortion,” he said. “Here is your position on jobs”. “Here is your position on…”
Finally, I interrupted. “Wait just a minute,” I said. “Don’t I get to…?”
“No, no,” he dismissed me; “we’ve already done all the studies and focus groups.”
“So, you want me in office, but you’ll tell me what to believe?” I asked.
Carville shrugged, and started to continue his lecture. At which point I told him where he could shove it. That was my short- lived flirtation with the U.S. Senate.)
Take this experience of Mr. Iacocca and multiply it thousands of times by aspiring candidates for office without regard to party. These studies and focus groups identify what the prospective voter wants to hear and then they are told what to say on the stump. Is it any wonder things are so out of kilter today and why the leaders Mr. Iacocca is looking for are continually muffled and turned into robots?
If you don’t want to buy it go to your local library. Even those who still believe President Bush is doing a great job need to get the perspective this giant of industry has to share.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
May 2, 2007
Intercepter missle installation in the Czech Republic
Another useless project from the current leadership in America
We learn this week that the United States is deploying interceptor missiles and radar systems in the Czech Republic and Poland. We are told this is necessary because of threats of nuclear missiles from Iran and North Korea. Russia reacted negatively as they perceive this as a threat to their own country and may suspend the arms control treaty.
As we continue expanding our world wide military bases in these former satellite countries next to Russia I believe that eventually there will be serious backlash and that these countries will suffer severe consequences such as occurred this past winter with the cutoff of natural gas. Russia is certainly capable of retaliating in other ways as well including the use of their military.
We already possess enormous nuclear weapons which would be unleashed against any nation foolish enough to use them against us. The most serious threat is from the Islamic extremists. Once they obtain these weapons they will use them against us. When they do there will not be a nation for us to hit back.
What we should have learned by now in Iraq and Afghanistan is that our conflict is not against a country but rather against radical Islamists. All the missile and radar sites in the world will not deter them. We, together with the rest of the nations who are threatened should devote our collective resources to wipe out these mad men. We must strike them wherever they are in the world without mercy or the civilized world as we know it will cease to exist. In the meantime we continue to bleed our country financially, building systems here and there that would have been helpful in the past but no longer.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
April 27, 2007
We learn this week that the United States is deploying interceptor missiles and radar systems in the Czech Republic and Poland. We are told this is necessary because of threats of nuclear missiles from Iran and North Korea. Russia reacted negatively as they perceive this as a threat to their own country and may suspend the arms control treaty.
As we continue expanding our world wide military bases in these former satellite countries next to Russia I believe that eventually there will be serious backlash and that these countries will suffer severe consequences such as occurred this past winter with the cutoff of natural gas. Russia is certainly capable of retaliating in other ways as well including the use of their military.
We already possess enormous nuclear weapons which would be unleashed against any nation foolish enough to use them against us. The most serious threat is from the Islamic extremists. Once they obtain these weapons they will use them against us. When they do there will not be a nation for us to hit back.
What we should have learned by now in Iraq and Afghanistan is that our conflict is not against a country but rather against radical Islamists. All the missile and radar sites in the world will not deter them. We, together with the rest of the nations who are threatened should devote our collective resources to wipe out these mad men. We must strike them wherever they are in the world without mercy or the civilized world as we know it will cease to exist. In the meantime we continue to bleed our country financially, building systems here and there that would have been helpful in the past but no longer.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
April 27, 2007
Walter Reed and the Forest Service
What is the connection between Walter Reed and the Forest Service? They are both victims of President Bush’s program of privatization. While scape goats were found to punish for the Hospital scandal the fact remains that the building in question was the victim of the bidding process as was clearly stated on the front page of yesterday’s newspaper.
Privatization to this administration is to bid for services and award to the lowest bidder without regard to the mission to be accomplished. Dedicated public servants in the hospitals and in the National Parks are being replaced by minimum wage employees many of whom are probably in this country illegally. As President Truman once said,” The Buck Stops Here”. It is time for our current President to do the same and accept that his program is hurting America.
Privatization to this administration is to bid for services and award to the lowest bidder without regard to the mission to be accomplished. Dedicated public servants in the hospitals and in the National Parks are being replaced by minimum wage employees many of whom are probably in this country illegally. As President Truman once said,” The Buck Stops Here”. It is time for our current President to do the same and accept that his program is hurting America.
The New American Story
The New American Story
By Bill Bradley
This is a New York Times best seller book written by a former Senator and Presidential candidate. It is extremely well done in my opinion probably because many of the issues discussed were enumerated in my own book, “The Last Angry Man”. The difference is that he was involved while I was a distant observer and he has name recognition while I am a no body as far as the reading public is concerned. I can’t even get the Arizona Star to review it. They were given two copies in early February and to date it has not been reviewed.
I highly recommend reading by those who still care and believe that we can once again be a great country. He doesn’t pull any punches. He, as I want our country to pull back from using our military as the first attempt to resolve the earth’s problems. He believes that universal health care for our citizens is absolutely necessary and doable. He wants us to be energy independent. He wants decisions made for the good of all not just the current party in power regardless of which party. He, as a Democrat, wants the party to return to being the party of the people not big business.
You will be interested in the two chapters entitled,” Why Republicans Can’t” and “Why Democrats Don’t”. They contain a history of both parties from the beginning and the forces that shape their decisions.
I have loaned out my copy. I am sure it is available at your public library.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
April 26, 2007
By Bill Bradley
This is a New York Times best seller book written by a former Senator and Presidential candidate. It is extremely well done in my opinion probably because many of the issues discussed were enumerated in my own book, “The Last Angry Man”. The difference is that he was involved while I was a distant observer and he has name recognition while I am a no body as far as the reading public is concerned. I can’t even get the Arizona Star to review it. They were given two copies in early February and to date it has not been reviewed.
I highly recommend reading by those who still care and believe that we can once again be a great country. He doesn’t pull any punches. He, as I want our country to pull back from using our military as the first attempt to resolve the earth’s problems. He believes that universal health care for our citizens is absolutely necessary and doable. He wants us to be energy independent. He wants decisions made for the good of all not just the current party in power regardless of which party. He, as a Democrat, wants the party to return to being the party of the people not big business.
You will be interested in the two chapters entitled,” Why Republicans Can’t” and “Why Democrats Don’t”. They contain a history of both parties from the beginning and the forces that shape their decisions.
I have loaned out my copy. I am sure it is available at your public library.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
April 26, 2007
Assault on Reason
The Assault on Reason
Al Gore
I have just finished reading Al Gore’s new book entitled, “The Assault on Reason”. It is a forceful attempt by him to point out the danger to our way of life by the chipping away of the original documents that laid the foundation of our American democratic republic. It is not an easy book to read. He includes deep thinking theories about how fear and falsehoods are swaying the voting patterns of most Americans.
He compares the Bush, Cheney scare speeches with Roosevelt’s admonishment that all we need to fear is fear itself. At appropriate times the danger color is put out to alert us that we are in imminent danger and therefore should place our complete faith in Mr. Bush to protect us.
He itemizes all of the drastic policies of Bush, Cheney; such as eavesdropping on our conversations over the telephone, e-mails, and books we read. Bush declares his right to hold persons without the benefit of our legal system, actively promotes torture as a national right ignoring all aspects of the Geneva Convention, deceived Americans that Saddam Hussein was responsible for Sept. 11. Fifty percent still believe this. The powerful onslaught of he and his administration that the mushroom cloud was imminent persuaded Congress and the public that he should attack Iraq before it was too late.
He points out how big money interests have taken control over the election process and how much time our elected officials spend pursuing contributions instead of debating the issues or even reading bills before voting on them. On C Span we see orators emoting without anyone there to hear or debate.
He is frustrated that Bush stands behind big oil to the detriment of our fragile earth and refuses to exert leadership on the global warming issue nor will he take any steps to break our dependence on OPEC.
As I stated at the beginning, this is not any easy book to read but if you care as I do you will take the time. My copy is available. Just let me know.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 27, 2007
Al Gore
I have just finished reading Al Gore’s new book entitled, “The Assault on Reason”. It is a forceful attempt by him to point out the danger to our way of life by the chipping away of the original documents that laid the foundation of our American democratic republic. It is not an easy book to read. He includes deep thinking theories about how fear and falsehoods are swaying the voting patterns of most Americans.
He compares the Bush, Cheney scare speeches with Roosevelt’s admonishment that all we need to fear is fear itself. At appropriate times the danger color is put out to alert us that we are in imminent danger and therefore should place our complete faith in Mr. Bush to protect us.
He itemizes all of the drastic policies of Bush, Cheney; such as eavesdropping on our conversations over the telephone, e-mails, and books we read. Bush declares his right to hold persons without the benefit of our legal system, actively promotes torture as a national right ignoring all aspects of the Geneva Convention, deceived Americans that Saddam Hussein was responsible for Sept. 11. Fifty percent still believe this. The powerful onslaught of he and his administration that the mushroom cloud was imminent persuaded Congress and the public that he should attack Iraq before it was too late.
He points out how big money interests have taken control over the election process and how much time our elected officials spend pursuing contributions instead of debating the issues or even reading bills before voting on them. On C Span we see orators emoting without anyone there to hear or debate.
He is frustrated that Bush stands behind big oil to the detriment of our fragile earth and refuses to exert leadership on the global warming issue nor will he take any steps to break our dependence on OPEC.
As I stated at the beginning, this is not any easy book to read but if you care as I do you will take the time. My copy is available. Just let me know.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 27, 2007
A documentary film written, directed and produced by Michael Moore
I went to the first showing today (6/30/07) at 11:00 A.M. at El Con movie house in Tucson. I was pleased to see that the theater was nearly full. I went alone as no one else seemed interested. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There was laughter, sighs, groans and even applause. Compliments are in order.
He trashes the health care industry in the U.S. as well as shows the hypocrisy of politicians from both parties. During Hillary Clinton’s attempt to create a universal health care system she was attacked as a Socialist promoter and yet today she is the second leading benefactor of campaign contributions from the health care and the pharmaceutical industry. He spares no one including Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and both George Bush’s.
He travels to Canada, England, France and Cuba. Each of these countries provides complete health care for all of their citizens with low or nearly no cost. They consider it the right of all regardless of stature in life. None of them are the same but all have the right to health care essential for their people. The question is raised how they can do it with the cost so high. He doesn’t really answer this question but I will.
None of these countries bleed themselves in the attempt to shape other countries into doing their bidding. Only the United States spends over a trillion dollars every year on military and space war technology. Only the United States maintains military bases in over 7,000 places around the world including occupation forces in Germany, Japan and Korea 60 years after those conflicts ended. We don’t call it occupation but that is what it is. Only the United States declares it has the right to declare war on any nation even when not threatened by that country. We are the largest producer of military hardware and believe we are helping others by giving them arms instead of real assistance. We currently are creating conflict with Russia over installing missile bases in the Czech Republic and Poland. Can you not remember our own missile crisis when Russia was installing bases in Cuba? Why should they trust us? We didn’t trust them. We are developing bunker busting nuclear weapons and as I understand it from e-mails received we want to replace our aging nuclear weapons with newer ones while at the same time demanding other countries to cease and desist.
He does point out in a conversation with a British citizen what a true democracy can accomplish if the citizens are not beaten down with propaganda and depression as we are. All we have to do is insist and they will have to respond. We proved it this week when the outrageous amnesty bill went down in defeat when the Senators were bombarded with e-mails, calls and letters. I am pessimistic that this will happen for the health care issue but perhaps this movie will generate the spark necessary to get real change. There is so much at stake for these large corporations that they will fight to the death any candidate brave enough to attempt a change of this magnitude. Only an aware electorate can resist the propaganda.
The least you can do is see this movie, discuss it with family and friends and the regardless of political affiliation start your own grass roots attempt to get meaningful change. It can be done. These other nations have proved it.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 30, 2007
A documentary film written, directed and produced by Michael Moore
I went to the first showing today (6/30/07) at 11:00 A.M. at El Con movie house in Tucson. I was pleased to see that the theater was nearly full. I went alone as no one else seemed interested. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There was laughter, sighs, groans and even applause. Compliments are in order.
He trashes the health care industry in the U.S. as well as shows the hypocrisy of politicians from both parties. During Hillary Clinton’s attempt to create a universal health care system she was attacked as a Socialist promoter and yet today she is the second leading benefactor of campaign contributions from the health care and the pharmaceutical industry. He spares no one including Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and both George Bush’s.
He travels to Canada, England, France and Cuba. Each of these countries provides complete health care for all of their citizens with low or nearly no cost. They consider it the right of all regardless of stature in life. None of them are the same but all have the right to health care essential for their people. The question is raised how they can do it with the cost so high. He doesn’t really answer this question but I will.
None of these countries bleed themselves in the attempt to shape other countries into doing their bidding. Only the United States spends over a trillion dollars every year on military and space war technology. Only the United States maintains military bases in over 7,000 places around the world including occupation forces in Germany, Japan and Korea 60 years after those conflicts ended. We don’t call it occupation but that is what it is. Only the United States declares it has the right to declare war on any nation even when not threatened by that country. We are the largest producer of military hardware and believe we are helping others by giving them arms instead of real assistance. We currently are creating conflict with Russia over installing missile bases in the Czech Republic and Poland. Can you not remember our own missile crisis when Russia was installing bases in Cuba? Why should they trust us? We didn’t trust them. We are developing bunker busting nuclear weapons and as I understand it from e-mails received we want to replace our aging nuclear weapons with newer ones while at the same time demanding other countries to cease and desist.
He does point out in a conversation with a British citizen what a true democracy can accomplish if the citizens are not beaten down with propaganda and depression as we are. All we have to do is insist and they will have to respond. We proved it this week when the outrageous amnesty bill went down in defeat when the Senators were bombarded with e-mails, calls and letters. I am pessimistic that this will happen for the health care issue but perhaps this movie will generate the spark necessary to get real change. There is so much at stake for these large corporations that they will fight to the death any candidate brave enough to attempt a change of this magnitude. Only an aware electorate can resist the propaganda.
The least you can do is see this movie, discuss it with family and friends and the regardless of political affiliation start your own grass roots attempt to get meaningful change. It can be done. These other nations have proved it.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 30, 2007
Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigration
As happy as I was to see a majority of our U.S. Senators vote down the unbelievably bad amnesty bill, I am equally unhappy that they are now content to recess for their 4th of July vacation and wipe their hands of this serious issue.
As I listen to commentators on TV and radio they talk about how sad it will be if families are broken up with breadwinners deported. I have a better idea. As I understand it the 1986 amnesty law that was passed contained language on penalizing employers which was only briefly attempted and has been spotty at best. My idea is to concentrate on the larger employers many of whom it is well known actually put in orders for illegals. Gather evidence then take severe action including prison time and fines for the President of that company and others in the chain of command who have knowingly hired illegals. Skip for the time being the small mom and pop businesses. As soon as it appears that our government is serious others will get the message and take illegals off of their workforce. As this gathers momentum the illegals will find it harder to find jobs and many will return to their country. In this way the problem will decrease in seriousness.
We cannot continue with business as usual. The overwhelming cost to our country is not sustainable. There are many other ways to deal with this issue but the more complicated it is made the less likely anything can ever be accomplished.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 29, 2007
As happy as I was to see a majority of our U.S. Senators vote down the unbelievably bad amnesty bill, I am equally unhappy that they are now content to recess for their 4th of July vacation and wipe their hands of this serious issue.
As I listen to commentators on TV and radio they talk about how sad it will be if families are broken up with breadwinners deported. I have a better idea. As I understand it the 1986 amnesty law that was passed contained language on penalizing employers which was only briefly attempted and has been spotty at best. My idea is to concentrate on the larger employers many of whom it is well known actually put in orders for illegals. Gather evidence then take severe action including prison time and fines for the President of that company and others in the chain of command who have knowingly hired illegals. Skip for the time being the small mom and pop businesses. As soon as it appears that our government is serious others will get the message and take illegals off of their workforce. As this gathers momentum the illegals will find it harder to find jobs and many will return to their country. In this way the problem will decrease in seriousness.
We cannot continue with business as usual. The overwhelming cost to our country is not sustainable. There are many other ways to deal with this issue but the more complicated it is made the less likely anything can ever be accomplished.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
June 29, 2007
The Hidden History of the Kennedy years
By David Talbot
Mr. Talbot did an excellent job in writing this book. He did extensive research and had countless interviews with those who were a part of these critical years. It is a glowing tribute to Jack and Robert as they tried their best to change from the madness of nuclear destruction to peace. They fought a battle with their military advisors, the FBI and the CIA throughout their administration. It proved to me once again that we are a militaristic country. How else to explain why we pour billions each year into the military including the maintenance of our vast nuclear arsenal, space war technology, development of newer, deadlier weapons, paying outlandish bribes to get new recruits and keep those in the services from retiring, and fighting at the present time two wars with other countries on the hit list.
The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba had been supported by President Eisenhower. Kennedy agreed to allow it to proceed but insisted that the US military would not be used. Those supporting the invasion knew that our military would be required and just assumed when things went bad that Kennedy would acquiesce but he didn’t. Even yours truly was angry about this, but in retrospect it was the right thing to do. I only wish he had not allowed them to invade.
Robert Kennedy as Attorney General aggressively prosecuted members of the Mafia and Jimmy Hoffa of the Teamsters. He did it without support from J. Edgar Hoover.
The CIA was constantly plotting to kill Castro against the President’s orders to stop. They poisoned crops and did other things to disrupt the Cuban economy. The Kennedy’s were trying to find the way to normalize relations while this was going on.
They stood up to racism culminating in the confrontation at the University of Mississippi with their successful effort to allow James Meredith, a Negro, to attend the all white college. The Army and the FBI did not support the President forcing him to push them harder than he should have had to do. This took a great deal of political courage as the Democratic Party lost the South as a result.
The author convinced me that Jack Kennedy was only waiting until after the election to start pulling advisors out of Vietnam. He did not believe Vietnam was that important. Berlin, the Soviets and Cuba were enough for him.
After the assassination of the President, Robert left the government and ran for and was elected Senator for the State of New York. His ultimate goal was to be elected President to carry on the work started by Jack. In his campaigning he was ecstatically supported by the workers of America. He also visited other countries and received tumultuous responses everywhere he went.
Both Jack and Robert were hated by many groups including the Mafia, Cuban exiles, white supremacists and those in the military industrial complex which former President Eisenhower had warned against. I never bought that either assassination was the work of one man. With so many vicious enemies they were both doomed. Today it is even worse. A man or woman elected as a peace President will be stalked and killed. The money involved dictates that this is so.
For those of you who lived through these years as I did, I highly recommend reading this book. For those born after the 60’s reading it would give you an understanding on how through these two courageous men hatred for America around the world could have been lessened. The world we live in could be so much better had they finished their mission.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
August 29, 2007
The Hidden History of the Kennedy years
By David Talbot
Mr. Talbot did an excellent job in writing this book. He did extensive research and had countless interviews with those who were a part of these critical years. It is a glowing tribute to Jack and Robert as they tried their best to change from the madness of nuclear destruction to peace. They fought a battle with their military advisors, the FBI and the CIA throughout their administration. It proved to me once again that we are a militaristic country. How else to explain why we pour billions each year into the military including the maintenance of our vast nuclear arsenal, space war technology, development of newer, deadlier weapons, paying outlandish bribes to get new recruits and keep those in the services from retiring, and fighting at the present time two wars with other countries on the hit list.
The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba had been supported by President Eisenhower. Kennedy agreed to allow it to proceed but insisted that the US military would not be used. Those supporting the invasion knew that our military would be required and just assumed when things went bad that Kennedy would acquiesce but he didn’t. Even yours truly was angry about this, but in retrospect it was the right thing to do. I only wish he had not allowed them to invade.
Robert Kennedy as Attorney General aggressively prosecuted members of the Mafia and Jimmy Hoffa of the Teamsters. He did it without support from J. Edgar Hoover.
The CIA was constantly plotting to kill Castro against the President’s orders to stop. They poisoned crops and did other things to disrupt the Cuban economy. The Kennedy’s were trying to find the way to normalize relations while this was going on.
They stood up to racism culminating in the confrontation at the University of Mississippi with their successful effort to allow James Meredith, a Negro, to attend the all white college. The Army and the FBI did not support the President forcing him to push them harder than he should have had to do. This took a great deal of political courage as the Democratic Party lost the South as a result.
The author convinced me that Jack Kennedy was only waiting until after the election to start pulling advisors out of Vietnam. He did not believe Vietnam was that important. Berlin, the Soviets and Cuba were enough for him.
After the assassination of the President, Robert left the government and ran for and was elected Senator for the State of New York. His ultimate goal was to be elected President to carry on the work started by Jack. In his campaigning he was ecstatically supported by the workers of America. He also visited other countries and received tumultuous responses everywhere he went.
Both Jack and Robert were hated by many groups including the Mafia, Cuban exiles, white supremacists and those in the military industrial complex which former President Eisenhower had warned against. I never bought that either assassination was the work of one man. With so many vicious enemies they were both doomed. Today it is even worse. A man or woman elected as a peace President will be stalked and killed. The money involved dictates that this is so.
For those of you who lived through these years as I did, I highly recommend reading this book. For those born after the 60’s reading it would give you an understanding on how through these two courageous men hatred for America around the world could have been lessened. The world we live in could be so much better had they finished their mission.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
August 29, 2007
Toy Recall from China
Toy Recall from China
Mattel and Fisher Price have announced huge recalls of contaminated toys manufactured in China. It seems that these companies knew there was a problem but did not react until outside groups exposed the problems. That in itself calls for condemnation, but the thought I want to put forth in this note is the lack of quality control in those factories. I spent most of my adult working life in factories at a number of different locations in America and Canada. The common denominator was that wherever the factory was located, that factory was duty bound to follow the specifications that originated at the main office. There were large numbers of staff assigned to assure that the product was produced according to the specifications laid down by Corporate.
It is inconceivable to me that these American Corporations who moved their production lines to China, did not insist on the same quality standards that applied to American factories. I can only assume that in their zeal to produce at the lowest cost that they did not insist on these Chinese factories employing the same number of quality control employees to assure adherence to specifications. If this is so, the leaders of these companies should face severe punishment, as the cost of adding thousands of Federal inspectors at the ports will be borne by all of us as taxpayers, a cost that would not be imposed if the products were made in American factories under normal quality control surveillance.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
August 18, 2007
Mattel and Fisher Price have announced huge recalls of contaminated toys manufactured in China. It seems that these companies knew there was a problem but did not react until outside groups exposed the problems. That in itself calls for condemnation, but the thought I want to put forth in this note is the lack of quality control in those factories. I spent most of my adult working life in factories at a number of different locations in America and Canada. The common denominator was that wherever the factory was located, that factory was duty bound to follow the specifications that originated at the main office. There were large numbers of staff assigned to assure that the product was produced according to the specifications laid down by Corporate.
It is inconceivable to me that these American Corporations who moved their production lines to China, did not insist on the same quality standards that applied to American factories. I can only assume that in their zeal to produce at the lowest cost that they did not insist on these Chinese factories employing the same number of quality control employees to assure adherence to specifications. If this is so, the leaders of these companies should face severe punishment, as the cost of adding thousands of Federal inspectors at the ports will be borne by all of us as taxpayers, a cost that would not be imposed if the products were made in American factories under normal quality control surveillance.
Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
August 18, 2007
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