Sunday, September 16, 2007

TUSD Sickout

TUSD Sickout

I read the 9/15/07 article in the Arizona Daily Star with interest. I took particular notice that out of 3,500 teachers, over 500 are out sick on most Fridays. It doesn’t compute that this many could actually be sick enough to miss work to that high a percentage. To me, it shows a disregard to the learning experience of students and a misuse of the benefit provided. Since the policy is generous enough to allow them to carry over days to the following year it fosters the premise that the days are theirs to take without regard to sickness.
Perhaps, if they are so interested in higher paychecks, they might be willing to trade some of this and other benefits for higher wages. The cost of hiring replacements must be huge but more importantly, the loss of continuity be having the same teacher must detract seriously from the learning experience.
One more thought. I remember the high number of teachers who were absent during the “amnesty” sick out day earlier this year. It would be interesting to see if these were the same teachers who took part in this recent sick out.

Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 16, 2007

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