Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Letter to Pima County Sheriff Dupnic

Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik,
I had intended to write in support of your brave, honest appraisal of the illegal immigration issue but held off until reading the article in today’s Star where a number of Democrats have signed a letter demanding an apology. I sincerely hope you will not cave in to their demand. They are out of touch with reality, not you. They can stick their heads in the sand if they want to. The position you took is supported by the majority of voting Arizona citizens. They and I are not racists. We are only demanding that our elected officials get control of this issue and take steps to restore some semblance of order. In my opinion government only puts forth lip service without any real intention of stopping the constant inflow from our neighbors to the South. Representative Giffords is reported to have said they just want to come to flip hamburgers. She wants to overturn the employer sanction legislation we voted for two years ago. Homeland Security Director Napolitano was furious to discover that her agents had raided a business; I believe it was in the State of Washington. You can be sure there will be no more raids on her watch.
The letter implies that you spoke without data to support your statement. Who better than you, who deal with this on a daily basis, can understand the results of uncontrolled illegal immigration on our county?
You are not in the minority. It is only the government elected and judicial officials that are out of step. Trust me, when the push comes to grant citizenship to the millions who have settled against the law, there will be a groundswell of anger just as there was when Senator McCain and President Bush tried. We, or should I say I, would be supportive of expanding work visas if there was a shortage of labor one place or another, but with unemployment nearing 10% I doubt even that could stand the test of reality.
Sincerely yours,

Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
May 5, 2009

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