Thursday, June 17, 2010

More letters, less Fitz

This letter was published in the Arizona daily star 6/15/2010.
I wrote it as they were filling up the editorial page with cartoons and editorial columns by David Fitzsimmons leaving minimal space for letters from people. For the record I did enjoy his walk around Tucson articles. They were informative and enjoyable. As a short term series it was OK. I only wrote when the Star gave him a large portion of the page for his political commentary which had the effect of shutting out average concerned citizens.

Is it your intention to keep reducing the space available on the editorial page so that fewer citizen's comments will be printed? Not only does Fitzsimmons have a cartoon but also a large column almost daily anymore. Some of us are growing weary with his placing us in the category of stupid and racist. I like to read articles from the people, not paid journalists.

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