Sunday, April 30, 2017

Heretic by; Ayaan Hirsi Ali

(Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now) I have watched her in a debate, the subject of which was “Is Islam a Religion of Peace” there were knowledgeable speakers on both sides. At the end the audience was requested to deliver their conclusion. Overwhelmingly it was that Islam is not a religion of peace. One of the most compelling points was when the audience were reminded that to attend the event they were submitted to checks such as we go thru at Airports. She has written three other books, the one I read and reported on was “Infidel”. She repeats some of that in this book as necessary to assure the reader that her background gives her credibility to write as she does. In reviewing other articles I have written describing my thoughts on how evil this religion is today, I will not restate these facts. If you are not aware you should be. Pretending it is not true is not the correct thing to do. Rather I will mention that she does report in the last chapter that she has reason to hope that the Muslims of the world can turn away from violence and become a respected part of humanity. There is no denying that much of what is written in the Old and New Testament contains support for actions which today we cannot accept, but that is exactly the point she is making. While Christian and Jew adherents have rejected these writings the Muslims as a group have not. Taking the world back 700 years and forcing these rules on people today will only continue the carnage being seen in countries all over the world especially in Western nations that have provided generous benefits to refugees from the Middle East. Those who willingly sacrifice their human lives for eternal bliss in the hereafter are tragic figures in my opinion. All you and I know is the here and now of our existence. To throw that away is irrational. She mentions the names of a number of Muslims trying to encourage people to reject Jihad as the way to preserve their religious beliefs. I recommend this book to any who wants to learn more about what is happening today. Jack B. Walters April 30, 2017

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