Monday, April 1, 2019

Shutdown Comments

Nancy and Chuck have precedent on their side. For decades whenever there was an impending shutdown it was always the Republicans that caved. President Trump won’t cave but I predict that the Republicans will cross over and join with the Democrats and abandon Trump with enough votes to prevent a veto. Most of them disagree with him on many issues. It is Trump who cares about workers something the Republicans never did. I consider him an Independent who is Republican in name only. With the ongoing abuse he takes on a daily basis from all quarters I am amazed he can take it all in and continue to fight for what he considers important. Keep in mind that curtailing illegal immigration was the foundation of his campaign. If both Presidents’ Bush could attack any country they felt endangered America then certainly building a wall at our Southern Border should be acceptable. The joke is that the Democrats have railed against illegal immigration as far back as Bill Clinton who gave an impassioned address to Congress. Check the Internet to hear Clinton in 1995, Obama in 2006 and Schumer in 2009.The only reason they are opposed now is to deny Trump fulfilling his campaign pledge. If Trump doesn’t get his funding he will use the military. As commander-in-chief he is duty bound to protect Americans. This he will do unless the Judicial and Congress finds a way to stop him which I do not believe they can do short of impeachment which has been their only program for the past two years. Jack B. Walters January 11, 2019

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