Friday, August 21, 2020

Democratic Party is Anti-Black

All throughout our history the Democratic Party was the party of slavery. Not just in the South but also the North. They also opposed women’s right to vote. Just look it up. It is there in history books. The KKK members were Democrats. When Truman desegregated the military the Democratic Dixie Party was created. With the passage of the Civil Rights acts of 1964, Lyndon Johnson said we now have the Black votes. They were taken as a given as if they only voted their skin color not issues. Biden actually inferred this in a recent interview when comparing latinos to blacks. The black lives matter movement is also associated with the Democrats. Harris referred to George Floyd in her acceptance speech. .That makes them anti-police. Never a word said about the chaos in our cities. It is the black people who suffer most with police removed from their communities. In 2016 Trump asked to be given a chance. “What have you got to lose?” He was able to increase black employment and increased wages. He also supported the black colleges and lowered the prison population. He will do so again once the virus is under control.

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