Thursday, September 6, 2018

Black Klansman-a movie

First I am assuming this movie depicts actual events. If you know otherwise please advise. I learned of it from my son. His best friend since school days in Des Moines is black. I also consider him a friend. He asked my son to see it. He did and then asked me. This all happened this morning. I found it playing at 11:30 so I went. It was a very disturbing movie. We see the Klan members including David Duke saying their hateful ideas and at the same time black leaders exhorting eager young people to push their black agenda, as if all white people were racist and hateful. I just refuse to accept this premise. I have listened to speeches by Louis Farrakhan. Do it if you want to see for yourself. The story is about an intelligent young black man who applies to become a police officer in Colorado Springs. This must have been a few years ago because they state he would be the first black officer. He does encounter rudeness and racism by other officers. He convinces his superiors to use him as an undercover agent. They do. Because of his flawless English he is able to convince Klan members of his desire to join them. A white officer is actually the one to infiltrate up to and including receiving a membership card. In a scene near the end he has tackled a terrorist female while wearing civilian clothes as an undercover officer. The police responding refuse to look for his credentials and beat him severely until another agent comes along. They were attempting to prevent a bomb being set off. It did go off but only the bad people died. It ends with scenes from the Charlottesville riot. They then conclude by showing President Trump when he commented on it. He blamed both sides and claimed there were good people on both sides. The reason for the rally was to protest removing Confederate statues. I am one of those who don’t think it is right to pretend these things never occurred. I think I am one of the good people. Watching excerpts from the stage play Hamilton, Elizabeth Warren stated that men like Washington and Jefferson were flawed men. How outrageous. There would not be a United States of America if they had not been born. Re-writing history as we think back 200 years makes no sense, at least to me. I really don’t recommend seeing this movie. Regardless of the color of your skin you will be angered. There were only three other people in the theater. Jack B. Walters September 6, 2018

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