Monday, July 13, 2020

Reagan: The American President

By; Larry Schweikart If you are a fan like I am of President Reagan you will enjoy reading this book which is written as a tribute to him. The author is an unabashed believer in the ability of this great man. He came upon the scene from nowhere living in the small town of Dixon, Illinois. His mother was a devout Christian. He became one also. It was the base for his beliefs throughout his lifetime. He was a lifeguard as a youth credited with saving many lives. He became a radio sportscaster where he honed his skill as an orator who could think fast. In Hollywood while acting, he also became the President of the Union. It was during this time that the McCarthy hearings were taking place routing out Communists. This became a crusade for him that continued till his death. Reagan, of course, is credited for the downfall of the USSR. Gorbachev also deserves credit, as he was the leader of Russia at that time whose goal was to open up his country. I could fill pages of tribute but I will ask you to read to restore your memory of what a great leader he was. I will also ask that you go to U-Tube and type in “A Time for Choosing” It is a speech he gave in support of Goldwater for president on 10/27/64. Most of you no doubt were afraid of Goldwater and he was soundly defeated. None-the-less this speech clearly expressed Reagan’s great concern for the direction our country was heading. He had switched from Democrat to Republican out of his concern that the Democrats looked to Washington to solve all of their problems to the detriment of freedom of thought and initiative of individuals.

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