Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pakistan, Egypt, Libya Aid Cutoff Legislation

During the week ending September 21 the Senate voted on a bill to end financial aid to the countries listed above. The bill was defeated by a vote of 10 for and 81 against. Guess how our Senator’s McCain and Kyl voted. Hooray for you, you guessed right. They voted to continue aid as if nothing had happened. Now they are home supposedly on a break until the elections are over with complete satisfaction of a job well done. Should they take the time to ask constituents they would find to their amazement that 90% disagree with them? Oh, I know some of those funds find their way back to Raytheon and other armament producers. That still doesn’t justify giving funds to countries who hate America and Americans. The Star will not allow me enough words to explain. If you are not aware, restating would be useless. Jack B. Walters September 23, 2012

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