Monday, April 1, 2019

The President's Club by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy

This is an interesting, little known story of how the Presidents starting with Truman and Hoover came together for support and service of those who had previously been President. Interestingly enough this was true regardless of political party nor the negative comments that usually appear during campaigns. Hoover was asked by Truman to head the relief effort for starving Europeans at the end of WWII. With the exception of Kennedy who died early in office the others after FDR lived long lives. Some of course are still alive today. It was not all positive but overall it was nice to learn of the comradeship. I did not like to read that LBJ relied so heavily on Eisenhower for advice during the Vietnam War. He encouraged LBJ to push the fight; a war we all now know was a disaster. On two occasions Carter diffused tension; once by going to N. Korea and the second Haiti. Both times he was successful. I leave it to you to read for yourself. I only mentioned the above to get your interest. It is well worth you taking the time to read. Jack B. Walters January 24, 2019

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