Sunday, September 16, 2007

Iraq Deception

Iraq Deception

Move has caused quite a controversy with their advertisement in the NY Times newspaper about General Petraeus. In my opinion it distracted from the real issue of President Bush’s long term intention to occupy Iraq as we continue to occupy Korea, Germany and Japan 50 years after the end of WWII. We do that to have forces readily available should they be required. As far as Iraq is concerned, the purpose is to ensure oil supplies are always available for our use.
When Pres. Bush talks about a gradual reduction he hopes to appease his allies and foes in Congress so that funding will allow him to continue through the end of his second term and force the next occupant to continue to pay for occupying forces decades into the future.
With over 180,000 contractors in IRAQ, many of whom are Para military he doesn’t need 160,000 troops to accomplish his goal. These contractors are building permanent bases throughout IRAQ for occupancy by US forces. Pres. Bush does not intend to leave. The 750 million dollar, self sufficient, US Embassy in Baghdad also proves the long term intention.
After all of the speeches are made, the Congress will give him the funds he needs. It is sad that members of Congress cannot or will not address the issue I put forth in this letter. We as voters need to evict these weaklings from their vaulted positions, Democrats as well as Republicans and elect outsiders who will do what is right and end the carnage at least as far as our involvement feeds the fire.

Jack B. Walters
3961 N. Hillwood Circle
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-2958
September 16, 2007

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